Delay in UN Security Council Action favors Tehran


NCRI – On February 21, the state-run news agency, Fars, published startling remarks by Hassan Rowhani, former Tehran nuclear point man in talks with the EU-3. Rowhani’s comments shed light on Tehran’s undeniable and evil designs to have the nuclear bomb. It also lays bare the dirty deal between Tehran and the Europeans to keep the main Iranian opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin on the terrorist watch list.

"During the summit of the leaders of the state it was said that the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) September resolution demands that we provide a complete picture of our nuclear program. Had we done that, it would have resulted in our referral to the Security Council. Had we not done that, it would have meant violating the resolution and would have resulted in referral any way. In other words, there was consensus that either way, our file would have been referred to the Security Council."

Rowhani also said how during talks with the EU-3, the regime had deceived its European counterparts in refraining from providing information on the more advanced P-2 centrifuges and completing work on Isfahan UCF under the calm and amicable circumstances. He added that the wording in the October agreement with the EU on maintaining the PMOI on the EU terrorist list was reworded in the final text in November so as to make appear that the terror tag on the PMOI was not part of the deal on the suspension of uranium enrichment.

Fars ran another report just before the IAEA February meeting in which it clearly unveiled Tehran’s intentions to obtain nuclear weapons. Arguing that Israel already possessed nuclear weapons, it wrote, "As far as the Islamic Republic is concerned, given the expansionist and anti-Islamic nature of the Zionist regime, there’s no option other than acquiring the means to create a balance in the arrangement of forces in the region."

The EU’s past policy of appeasement essentially ignored Tehran’s effort to obtain the bomb, and numbed world reaction to the emergence of a nuclear-armed religious dictatorship. The mullahs have now cast aside all pretenses. That, coupled with the failure of the Moscow-Tehran talks, makes it amply clear that any further delay in imposing sanctions on Tehran would only help further the mullahs’ ominous designs to dominate the Middle East and the Muslim world. European foreign policy with respect to Iran has failed for the simple reason that the EU lacks the capital to moderate or change Tehran’s course. Europe forfeited its only means of influencing events in Iran when it included the PMOI in the terrorist list as part of a disgraceful policy. Time has come for Europe to restore democracy and human rights to center stage in its dealings with Tehran and to recognize the PMOI as the legitimate resistance movement that it represents. 

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