Dean: Iraqi government’s killing of Ashraf residents shameful for America

NCRI – On April 17, MSNBC aired an interview with former Democratic National Committee Chairman, Howard Dean, in which Gov. Dean discussed the April 8 attack on Ashraf.

Former Governer  Dean Said:  “Well, first of all, these people have been adjudicated in three courts [which said they] do not belong on the terrorist list. They’ve been taken off the terrorist list in Europe, they’ve been taken off the terrorist list in the UK, and a court in Washington, D.C., ordered the State Department to reevaluate their status saying there was no basis apparently for them to be on the terrorist list. …”

“We promised them that we would protect them if they disarmed. They disarmed. They advocated for Geneva Conventions and they advocate for equal rights for women. Last Friday, American troops were asked to leave the camp. We did so, but we should have never done so. And they [Iraqi forces] gunned down 30 people. Then they cut off medical help for the Iranian exiles. Many of them died from their wounds. This is not the America that I know. We ought to be standing up for those who stood up for us. These are unarmed people. We promised them protection and we haven’t delivered. Now we are back in the camp and we’re doing better. But this is a shameful time in America when we can allow the Iraqi government, who wouldn’t be there if it wasn’t for us, to gun down 30 innocent civilians.”

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