Dana Rohrabacher: Our goal has to be to side with the people of Iran and replacing that regime

Dana Rohrabacher: Our goal has to be to side with the people of Iran and replacing that regimeCongressman Dana Rohrabacher: "So we are reminded of that and there is a group of people, of course, as we know who are in danger right now in Camp Ashraf. And let us note that as the situation in the Middle East changes, and as the United States begins its  withdrawal, we cannot permit that group of people who are enemies to the mullah regime basically to be turned over to the mullahs and suffer the horrible consequences that we know will be the result. Our motto must be right now: any enemy of the mullah dictatorship is a friend of ours."

NCRI – At a Congressional briefing on Thursday, June 10, several members of the U.S. House of Representatives emphasized the need for the continued U.S. protection of Camp Ashraf in Iraq. The bi-partisan call was made in light of the announcement by the United States military that the U.S. intends to evacuate Camp Grizzly in Ashraf and turn it over to the Iraqi Security Forces by July 1st. Many members at the briefing, which coincided with the anniversary of the uprising in Iran, also called for the removal of Iran's main opposition, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), from the State Department's list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO). The following is the text of speech by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA):

Good Afternoon, I’m Congressman Dana Rohrabacher. Congressman Franks and myself are here today to commemorate, along with other members who will be joining us, the first anniversary of a very important uprising, a very important event, a very important statement by the people of Iran which happened one year ago today, at least it began one year ago today.

Some people around the world who oppress others are very arrogant and just proclaim themselves as being dictators and they don’t care what the world thinks. With that said, I think it behooves all of us to make sure we stand in solidarity with those people whether it is in Iran, or whether it is in Burma, or anywhere else in the world where people are suffering under tyranny. It is our job as Americans is to stand with them.

We are a country that is composed of every ethnic group and every religion and we are a microcosm of the world.  People have come here to the United States to live in freedom. But that’s a special responsibility that we have then. Because we then have to have an alliance with the good and decent people of the world. And nowhere is that struggle more evident than what is going on in Iran, where the government was trying to hide behind phony elections and fraudulent elections to justify their own power, their own grasp on the necks of the people of their own country and trying to strangle the freedom movements there in their own country.

Well, Iran is a country that can play a huge positive role in the world and in our country, in the relationship with the United States, if it could free itself from the control of this clique of radical mullahs who have conducted themselves in a monstrously oppressive way.

Our goal is not just dialogue with that regime. Our goal has to be to side with the people of Iran and replacing that clique, eliminating that regime, and empowering the people of Iran to make their own decisions without having to have a small group of mullahs with a veto power as to who will and will not be permitted to run, who will or will not be permitted to have freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.

Today, as we commemorate this anniversary, we remember those who gave their lives already. We have some pictures of people here, martyrs for – not just the cause of freedom for the people of Iran – but martyrs for the cause of human liberty.

I’m very proud to join this and also on this day, when our attention is drawn to the conflict, we realize there is a relationship between our security and peace in the world and our commitment to human freedom, and our alliance with those good and decent people around the world who are struggling for freedom.

So we are reminded of that and there is a group of people, of course, as we know who are in danger right now in Camp Ashraf. And let us note that as the situation in the Middle East changes, and as the United States begins its  withdrawal, we cannot permit that group of people who are enemies to the mullah regime basically to be turned over to the mullahs and suffer the horrible consequences that we know will be the result. Our motto must be right now: any enemy of the mullah dictatorship is a friend of ours.

And yes, there are questions about the people of Ashraf and their movement. I understand that some people have some admonitions about what people there believe. That’s not relevant right now. What’s relevant is not the differences that we might have with different groups that are fighting the mullahs. What’s the overwriting imperative now is for all of us to stand together united and not let the people of Ashraf or the people of Iran stand alone at anytime against these mullah dictators who threaten not only the freedom of their own people but the peace and stability of the region.

I’m very proud to join with Congressman Filner and my other colleagues in dropping a House resolution which will be introduced today. I’m a cosponsor of that resolution, making sure that we underscore the points I just made of solidarity with the people of Iran who are struggling for freedom and democracy, and supporting a common front with all those people who are opposing the mullah regime.

So for anyone who’s listening in Iran, I have this message: we are not with your oppressors, we are with you and you can count on the people of the United States not to leave you in the lurch, not to leave you behind. Our destinies are tied together. The mullah regime threatens the United States, our safety and our security, even as it oppresses you, the people of Iran. Those of us who are active here in the United States understand that. And we will be with you all the way until freedom and democracy is restored to the people of Iran.

Let’s make sure that no one who’s struggling there, who’s afraid, whether it’s in Camp Ashraf or whether it’s in Iran itself; let’s make sure none of those people who are struggling for freedom, think they are alone, because they are not alone. We are with them, all of us are with them, the American people are with them and this is a fight together, the unified between people of the world who believe in democracy and freedom. That is our unity of purpose. Thank you very much.

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