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Coronavirus Outbreak in Iran Takes Lives of Over 3,000 People; MEK Supporters Who Rushed to Help Infected Persons Are Among Victims

Iran - Coronavirus outbreak- March 2020
Iran – Coronavirus outbreak- March 2020

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) announced on Tuesday that several its supporters and members of the MEK’s “Resistance Units” were among 3,000 people who have lost their lives because of the Coronavirus outbreak.

In a statement, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) wrote that the MEK “announced that the death toll in Alborz Province has reached 120 victims. Several members of Resistance Units and MEK supporters, who had rushed to assist those infected, are among the victims, including Negar Siyah Mortazavi, Moharamali Esmaeeli, and Hassan Nayyeri in Karaj and Sorkh-e Hessar.” 

Since the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, contradictory to the regime’s inaction and deliberate downplaying of the crises which has turned Iran into a killing zone for the Iranian people and the epicenter of the coronavirus, the MEK’s network of supporters inside Iran and abroad have rushed to aid the victims or echo their voicesThe MEK’s resistance units inside Iran have chosen to help victims amid scarcity of medical equipment, and while the regime has hoarded masks and disinfectants 

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)had repeatedly urged the brave youth to assist and care for those infectedThe NCRI President-elect called on all supporters of the PMOI/MEK and the Iranian Resistance in Iran to assist and care for those who have contracted the virus and help save the lives of their compatriots, while taking all the necessary safety measures for themselves, using the full range of available medical resources. The mullahs’ regime, which itself is the main cause of the disastrous outbreak, lacks competence and ability to manage the crisis and help the people of Gilan and the entire nation, she said. 

The MEK and NCRI’s supporters in different countries around the world have staged protests, calling on the international community, particularly the United Nations and the World Health Organization (WHO), to help the Iranian people and pressure the regime to release prisoners who are doomed to be infected with the COVID-19 as the virus spreads across Iranian prisons.  Protests have been held in Sweden, the United States, Belgium, Germany, and Austria.  

Mrs. Rajavi has underlinedThe Iranian people’s fight against the Coronavirus is a part and parcel of their struggle against the inhuman clerical regime to establish freedom and democracy.” 

The reason that the MEK supporters are risking their lives to help the coronavirus victims in Iran is because, as Mrs. Rajavi has said: “The only thing that matters for this regime and its officials is to keep their grip on power. People’s lives, health, and resources have no value for the ruling mullahs. The Iranian people have suffered the greatest damage and losses under their rule, as a result of external war, domestic repression, poverty, unemployment, and illnesses.”