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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceCongressman Ted Poe: Camp Liberty residents must be returned to Ashraf

Congressman Ted Poe: Camp Liberty residents must be returned to Ashraf

NCRI – The terrorists responsible for the deadly attack on Camp Liberty must be brought to justice and the innocent refugees living there returned to the safety of Ashraf, leading US Congressman and judge Ted Poe has demanded.

The fight against the dictatorship in Iran must then continue until the every Iranian has has the right to choose who governs them, he declared in a speech in Paris on Sunday.

On Friday 17th of February, a press release issued by the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the US House of Representatives, announced that a congressional committee of US representatives have met with the Iranian opposition leader in Paris Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, calling for regime change in Iran and support for the Iranian main democratic opposition, National Council of Resistance of Iran. Please click here to watch the video of conference in Paris

The delegation included Judge Ted Poe (R-TX), chair of the subcommittee on Terrorism, non-proliferation, and Trade, Brian Higgins (D-NY), HFAC member and ranking member of the subcommittee of Counterterrorism and Intelligence of the Homeland Security Committee, and Congressman Paul Cook (R-CA).

Judge Poe said: “It is necessary for us to find out immediately and let the world know who was responsible for the attack on the innocents in Camp liberty.

“And now that the world understands that Camp Liberty is not a safe place, it is necessary that we move immediately to the good people out of Camp Liberty and move them back where they can be safe in camp Ashraf.”

The struggle would then continue the struggle until those in Ashraf could leave Iraq and move to the country of their choice, the judge said.

He added: “Self-determination in Iran is a simple concept that is down in the soul of people that have always lived and that is to be free and to make their own decision as to who shall have rule over them.

“My hope and desire is that the Iranian people have self-determination very soon and they decide in a fair process who will be the government of Iran.

“Delisting (of the People’s Mojahedin of Iran –MEK/PMOI) was a first step, an important step, but it is not the only step in this struggle.

He also vowed continuing US support for the people of Iran in their struggle for freedom, adding: “There are many of us who will continue to stand by you to make sure that the struggle for freedom is not your struggle alone, but the struggle for everyone who believes that people should be free and have liberty.

“And the little fellow from the dessert should know that there are people throughout the world watching him and that is just the way it is.”