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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceConference in Welsh Parliament Stands in Solidarity with Iranian Push for Democracy

Conference in Welsh Parliament Stands in Solidarity with Iranian Push for Democracy

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On October 11, honoring the World Day Against Death Penalty, a conference was convened at the Welsh Parliament on Iran’s human rights record. Attended by parliamentarians and delegates from Iranian communities in the UK, the conference aimed to amplify support for the ongoing uprising in Iran, advocating for the establishment of a democratic republic.

Mark Isherwood, a prominent figure from the Conservative Party and the Shadow Minister for Social Justice, chaired the conference. The gathering featured notable speakers including Altaf Hussain, a member of Parliament from the Conservative Party and the Shadow Minister for Equality, and Sam Rowlands, a fellow Conservative MP and the Shadow Minister for Local Government in Wales. Additionally, William Powell, a former representative of the Welsh Parliament, and Joseph Carter, a City Council member from the Liberal Democrats, provided their perspectives.

Beyond political figures, representatives from various Iranian communities in the UK made impassioned speeches during the conference, sharing their insights and experiences. Their voices contributed significantly to the dialogue, shedding light on the urgent need for a democratic transition in Iran.

The conference highlighted the urgent call for global attention to the rampant use of execution by the current Iranian regime and stood in solidarity with the Iranian populace’s determination for democratic reforms. This event served as a vital platform for dialogue, emphasizing the importance of international cooperation and support for the Iranian people in their pursuit of fundamental freedoms and a democratic future.

Mark Isherwood, representing the Conservative Party and serving as the Shadow Minister for Social Justice, highlighted a statement by a majority of the Welsh Parliament, who declared their support for the NCRI and its President-elect’s Ten-Point Plan. He further underscored the importance of acknowledging the justice-seeking campaign, particularly referencing the 1988 massacre that claimed 30,000 lives of political prisoners in Iran. Stressing the urgency to speak out on this issue, he emphasized the need to prevent this atrocity from being buried, both literally and figuratively. He conveyed gratitude on behalf of the Anglo-Iranian community to the Welsh Senators for their unwavering support and recognition.

Mr. Sam Rowlands, a Conservative MP and the Shadow Minister for Local Government in Wales, expressed his personal perspective on the need for change in Iran. While acknowledging that certain responsibilities lie with the UK Parliament, Mr. Rowlands reassured the audience that he and his colleagues are supportive platforms for the Iranian people’s aspirations as outlined in the NCRI Ten-Point Plan.

He emphasized collaboration with colleagues in Westminster and the UK government to offer appropriate support for the Anglo-Iranian community and commended the organization for highlighting this crucial issue and extended his best wishes for their endeavors in bringing about change in Iran.

Former Welsh Parliament member, Mr. William Powell, acknowledged the historic importance of the conference, citing his recent involvement in NCRI activities. He highlighted the global repercussions caused by the Mullahs’ regime and the commitment of all parties in the Welsh Senate to maintain the pressure on the regime.

Mr. Joseph Carter, a City Council member from the Liberal Democrats, commended the event and acknowledged the importance of freedom. He emphasized how often Western societies take their freedoms for granted and highlighted the influences attempting to undermine democracy, including actions by the current Iranian regime.

Mr. Carter expressed admiration for the bravery displayed by Iranian women who take a stand despite facing brutal repercussions. He commended the global support for their cause and noted the bipartisan backing for their efforts.

Members of the Anglo-Iranian community who also participated in this conference took the stage and shared their thoughts and views on the human rights situation in Iran, expressing their commitment for a free and democratic republic in Iran.