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Canadians mobilize in defense of Iranian Resistance

Canadians mobilize in defense of Iranian ResistanceNCRI – Over 250 religious leaders and political, social and scientific personalities gave their support to an international declaration in defence of the right of asylum for the People’s Mojahedin of Iran in Ashraf City, Iraq. This support was announced at a press conference on November 8 organized by the committee for the defense of human rights in Iran at the Canadian parliament.

NCRI - Over 250 religious leaders and political, social and scientific personalities gave their support to an international declaration in defence of the right of asylum for the People's Mojahedin of Iran in Ashraf City, Iraq. This support was announced at a press conference on November 8 organized by the committee for the defense of human rights in Iran at the Canadian parliament.NCRI – Over 250 religious leaders and political, social and scientific personalities gave their support to an international declaration in defence of the right of asylum for the People’s Mojahedin of Iran in Ashraf City, Iraq. This support was announced at a press conference on November 8 organized by the committee for the defense of human rights in Iran at the Canadian parliament.

For three years, the Iranian regime has been organizing a series of plots against its main opposition, the People’s Mojahedin, to get them expelled to Iran so that it could eliminate them. However, they have been refugees in this country for twenty years and enjoy the status of protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention, a status recognized by the multinational force. The campaign launched throughout the world is aimed to make sure that the international bodies concerned and the Iraqi government would respect these rights.

"I came to offer my support to this declaration and to its signatories," David Kilgour, renowned human rights lawyer in Canada and former parliamentarian, said as an introduction to the conference. He added: "Some think that there are only two approaches to Iran, a military intervention or appeasement towards the ruling mullahs. Yet, what we want to say is that there is a third option, a support to the National Council of Resistance of Iran as a democratic opposition."

Evoking the declaration signed by 5.2 millions Iraqis in support of the People’s Mojahedin, he stressed the need to defend Ashraf City where they are sheltered in Iraq.

Mrs Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, went to Norway in recent days, David Kalgour noted. The Iranian government threatened Oslo with reprisals, but the Norwegian parliament condemned these threats and remained firm, stating that she had the right to go to Norway.

Then Shahram Golestan, chairman of the organizing committee, took the floor. "In recent years," he said, "appeasement allowed the mullahs to reinforce their internal repression, and emboldened them to further export terrorism and fundamentalism to Iraq. One can understand in these circumstances the importance of the support by 250 religious leaders, academics, jurists and political personalities of Canada. The signatories stress that the Iranian regime is the main threat to peace and tranquillity in the region. They also agree with the President-elect that neither war nor appeasement are the solutions and that only a democratic change in Iran is able to put an end to the Iranian crisis."