Canadian Lawmakers Show Solidarity With the Iranian Resistance

The conference, Iran: Human Rights, uprisings, and West’s political options at the Sir. John McDonald’s building in the Canadian Parliament
The conference, Iran: Human Rights, uprisings, and West’s political options at the Sir. John McDonald’s building in the Canadian Parliament

Canadian lawmakers are showing support for the Iranian Resistance and its cause of a free Iran. 

An event was held at the Sir. John McDonald’s building in the Canadian Parliament on Tuesday, on the initiative of Members of Parliament from Canada. The event was titled: “Iran: Human Rights, uprisings and West’s political options.

This event was attended by dozens of Canadian Senators, MPs, and renowned American politicians, as well as the supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) 

The participants of this event paid tribute to the victims of the Ukrainian passenger jet, shot down by the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC); and over 1500 martyrs of the nationwide Iran protests.  

The meeting was held at the invitation of the Liberal Party MP Judy Sgro and Conservative MP James Bezan in cooperation with the Canadian Committee of Friends of a Democratic Iran. Former US Democratic Senator Robert Torricelli and Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield, former US Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs, were among the participants of this event.  

David Kilgore, a former Canadian MP, was the first speaker and the moderator of this event who welcomed the participants and political figures present at this event.  

Referring to the MEK’s delisting from Canada’s list of terrorists organization Mr. Bezan said: “I’m proud of the work that we were able to accomplish. Under the former conservative government, we were able to delist the MEK as a terrorist organization.” 

“And in return, we listed the Quds Force as a terrorist organization. And we continue to watch how they not only destabilize the entire region, but how they have carried out their evil terrorist attacks in Syria, on the streets of Baghdad and throughout Iran. Those innocent protesters back in the fall who were standing up against the Ayatollah and his terrorist regime, against the abuse that they were facing by the Iraqi government, demanding change, demanding the end of corruption,” he continued while referring to the IRGC’s Quds Force, which is on the Canada’s list of terrorists organizations.  

Referring to the elimination of the Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, Mr. Bezan said, “All of us join in the condemnation of General Soleimani and he deservedly got his own medicine by being taken on by the United States, when was cited by the Baghdad International Airport.”  

Mr. Bezan called the shooting down of the Ukrainian passenger jet, with over 50 Canadian citizens aboard “unconscionable,” and said that “We have to make sure that we hold the regime to account.” 

Mr. Bezan called for the blacklisting of the regime’s supreme leader Ali Khamenei, president Hassan Rouhani and foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif whom Mr. Bezan described as a “chief propagandist and foreign minister had blood on his hands.”

Ambassador Lincoln Bloomfield was the next speaker. He started his speech by expressing his personal condolences for the loss of the Canadian and Iranian and other lives in the shoot down of the Ukrainian jet. 

During his speech, Ambassador Bloomfield focused on the Iranian regime’s demonizing campaign of the MEK and answered the allegations.  

He then spoke of his first acquaintances with the MEK saying: “I was sent to Paris. I went to a rally in 2011 and it was an astonishing sight as we’ve heard. First of all, the dignitaries over there, there were high officials, former officials from Canada, from the United States, from many other countries which really opened my eyes. I asked a continuous stream of questions and began reading the literature about the MEK.” 

After citing the long history of regime’s actions against the MEK, particularly it’s demonizing campaign, Ambassador Bloomfield said: “The MEK is the one and only resistance group that the regime is against. 

“This is key. Unlike other groups, the monarchists and others, it’s not just a political critique this as well, this is too much of a dictatorship we need a more democratic model, it’s a religious critique. Massoud Rajavi was defining an Islam that was entirely different from Ayatollah Khomeini’s 12th Shia Islam and when you say I’m sorry I reject your political blueprint, but I also don’t accept your religious credential, that is war,” he added.  

After further delving into the details of the MEK’s long struggle for freedom and the price it has paid, and the regime’s bogus propaganda campaign, Ambassador Bloomfield concluded: “So there is a lot of accountability to be had. I think we can do a much better policy if we strip away the propaganda, and we know there is a deeper truth and once we have that truth in hand, as Senator Torricelli had said, we can’t be stopped.” 

Former Senator Robert Torricelli was another speaker of the event.  He talked about his personal experience concerning the Iranian resistance and said: “This fight will not only be won; it will be won soon. And most importantly, victory is inevitable because that’s the human experience. So, every one of us needs to make this pledge. If I’m right, we will not gather here many more times. One of these days supporters of Mrs. Rajavi, MEKWe’ll be having this event in Tehran.” 

At the end of the event, the speakers and participants visited an exhibition which was held in tribute to the Iran protests’ martyrs and the victims of the Ukrainian plane crash.  

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