Campaign to release political prisoners in Iran

NCRI – Iranians and supporters of the Iranian Resistance in Brussels joined the international campaign to save the lives of political prisoners in Iran and staged a rally outside the UN office in the Belgian capital.

"Release all political prisoners in Iran," "Down with terrorist regime in Iran," and "Ahmadinejad is a terrorist" were among the slogans chanted by demonstrators on Tuesday.

The rally expressed its deep concern over the death warrant issued for Valiollah Feiz-Mahdavi, a member of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran who had been held as a political prisoner for the past five years. He was forced to sign his death warrant which is set for May 16.

In a resolution adopted by the rally, participants called on international human rights organizations to act immediately to save the life of Mr. Feiz-Mahdavi.

A delegation of supporters of the Iranian Resistance also submitted a letter to the UN office calling on the world body to intervene. It was reiterated in their letter that political prisoners from the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran had become victims of nuclear revelations by the PMOI. The religious dictatorship’s secret nuclear program to produce atom bomb was first unveiled by the sources related to the PMOI inside Iran back in 2002. Following the referral of the regime’s nuclear file to the UN Security Council, prison officials in Iran told Mojahedin political prisoners that they were all going to be executed as part of their act of revenge.

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