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Camp Ashraf and Policy toward Iran

Session on
Camp Ashraf and Policy toward Iran
Brussels- 25 January 2011


In a conference on Tuesday afternoon 25 January 2011 titled “Camp Ashraf and Policy toward Iran”, a number of prominent American officials from President Clinton, President Bush and President Obama’s administrations as well as Ms. Irene Khan, former General Secretary of Amnesty International, and some members of the European Parliament’s Board of Directors, while condemning flagrant violation of human rights in Iran and aggression against Ashraf residents, called for their protection by the US forces and delisting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) from the US terror list.

In the session, General James Jones, President Obama’s National Security Adviser until late 2010 and former commander of the Allies in Europe; Bill Richardson, former Energy Secretary and US ambassador to UN during President Clinton’s administration and Governor of New Mexico until 2011; Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General until 2010; John Bolton, Deputy Secretary of State and US Ambassador to UN; and Ambassador Dell Dailey, Assistant Secretary of State in counterterrorism affairs during President Bush both terms, and also Messrs. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice President of the European Parliament; Jim Higgins, member of European Parliament’s Board of Directors; Dirk Claes, member of Belgium Senate Board of Directors, and a number of other European and Belgian legislators, participated and delivered speeches. 


Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, said in the session: “The past thirty years of experience has proven to all that change of behavior of Iran’s incorrigible regime is an absolute mirage; this regime is an imminent threat to the world’s peace and security and is the most active sponsor of terrorism. The people of Iran have shown that they deserve democracy; therefore we call on the US and the EU to adopt a firm policy toward the regime and announce that the religious fascism must end in Iran. This is neither possible through war, nor through appeasement. It could be accomplished through a democratic change by the Iranian people and Resistance.” She added “For three decades, there have been many mistakes in western policy towards Iran with two basic reasons. Firstly, the failure to understand regime’s substantial weakness, its profound isolation in the society, and being deceived by its flimsy saber rattling; secondly, ignoring the real solution, which is the Iranian people and Resistance; something that has exacerbated the first one. 

 In this session headed by Struan Stevenson, President of the Delegation of European Parliament for Relations with Iraq, following issues were underlined:
1. The abhorrent and barbaric execution of Jafar Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Hajaghaei, two activists of People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) on January 24 was condemned and clearly showed the clerical regime’s anxiety and fear on growing support for Iranian resistance and Ashraf residents
2. A soft approach vis-à-vis the Iranian regime is futile; a firm approach is needed for a  proper policy;
3. Regime change in Iran is the only way that can rid the region and the world from the wickedness of a religious dictatorship that is equipped with nuclear bomb, and from an unpredictable war.
4. The growing trend of gross and systematic violations of human rights and executions by the Iranian regime must be strongly condemned, and for these barbaric acts alongside its export of terrorism and nuclear weapons program be targeted by comprehensive sanctions.
5. The key elements for change are the Iranian people, the Resistance and the third option proposed by Mrs. Rajavi.
6. This Resistance, as it has repeatedly declared on a number of occasions, neither wants money nor weapons. It must be recognized and all obstacles that have been placed in its path at the behest of the Iranian regime must be set aside so that it could exercise all its power in bringing about change to Iran.
7. Ashraf is at the center of attention of people and the source of inspiration for youths and women in Iran. The rights of Ashraf residents must be safeguarded by the US and Iraqi Government under the Fourth Geneva Convention. In accordance with the 25 November 2010 Written Declaration of the European Parliament, the UN and US must guarantee the protection of Ashraf and the withdrawal of forces from Iraq must not affect this responsibility.
8. The US Secretary of State must put an end to the 14-year injustice and remove the terrorist designation from the PMOI, which lacked any legitimacy from the outset.
9. Urged EU and Ms. Catherine Ashton, the U High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy,
a) To impose tougher sanctions on the clerical regime for its flagrant human rights violations, continuous drive to acquire nuclear weapons and export of terrorism
b) To provide necessary material and political support to the UN to be able to provide protection to residents of Ashraf
c) To urge Ms. Hillary Clinton, the US Secretary of State to follow the example of EU by removing the PMOI from its blacklist and to guarantee the protection of Ashraf residents.

Alejo Vidal-Quadras
Vice-President, European Parliament
President, International Committee “In Search of Justice”