Breaking News: Calls for Regime Change on the Eve of 1979 Revolution Anniversary

A protestor in Iran writes with graffiti on the wall “Down with Khamenei”

On the eve of February 11, footage and reports coming from Iran indicate that people are taking to public parks, roof tops, and all over the streets in Tehran as well as other cities like Isfahan, Ahvaz, Mashhad, Bandar Abbas, Shiraz, Rasht, Karaj, Sari, Hamedan, Yazd, Lahijan, Khorramabad, Eslamshahr, Andimeshk, Shahroud, Varamin, Garmsar, Neyshabour, Mehrshahr, and Shush to celebrate the anniversary of the overthrown monarchy by chanting slogans for overthrowing the clerical regime.

According to local sources, people are chanting “Down with the dictator”, “Down with Khamenei”, “Viva Rajavi”, “Down with Khamenei, damned be Khomeini”, and “Neither crown nor turban, the clerics must go”.


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