Call to save women prisoners, supporters of PMOI, in Gharechak death camp

Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, chairwoman of the women’s committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), called to save the lives of Seddigheh Moradi and Kobra Banazadeh AmirKhizi, two women prisoners supporters of PMOI, who have been transferred to Gharechak Varamin prison.

 Mrs. Kobra Banazadeh AmirKhizi on

The inhuman mullahs’ regime, in its continued pressure on political prisoners supporters of PMOI and families of Ashraf residents, has transferred Mrs. Seddigheh Moradi and Kobra Banazadeh AmirKhizi on July 11 to Gharechak prison, where dangerous offenders are kept. The situation of Gharechak prison, which is known as the second Kahrizak (notorious death camp in which many opponents were tortured and killed during uprising after fake election in 2009) by the public, is far more horrible than Evin and Gohardasht prisons. In this prison, which used to be a dairy farm, prisoners are kept in several smelly and extremely dirty and unhealthy halls. Water, bathing facilities, health care facilities and the facilities of daily life are in short supply. Prisoners’ food is only a surviving portion of bread and cheese. Prisoners are given only once a day chance to use the toilet. Mafia gangs who are organized and directed by the torturers are in charge of drug distribution and physical removal of the inmates in the prison. Prisoners’ protest to these inhuman pressures are answered by the beatings with clubs and rogue affronts.

Mrs. Seddigheh Moradi, a political prisoner, was arrested on May 1, 2011, along with a number of family members of PMOI. For supporting the PMOI, she was sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment. On July 11, after suffering extreme torture in section 209 of Evin prison, she was transferred to the death camp of Gharechak Varamin for more pressures.

Mrs. Kobra Banazadeh Amirkhizi, 58, a political prisoner in the 80s, has been transferred to this torture chamber despite her deteriorating condition. She was arrested in January 2008, solely because she intended to leave the country to visit her relatives in Ashraf city (two children, her sister and brother) and deprived of any fair judicial process, was sentenced to five  years. She incurred various diseases because of medieval prison conditions, including acute heart diseases, hepatitis B, digestive disorders, etc. and due to the severity of torture has lost vision in one eye. Despite that the vision of the other eye is about to be lost, the henchmen refrain to provide any medical care to her. Four members of Mrs. Banazadeh’s family have been killed by the regime and his older brother Mohammad Banazadeh, 66, a reputable businessman in Tehran, who was arrested nearly two years ago solely for contacting her daughter in Ashraf and sentenced to five years imprisonment, is still in Gohardasht torture chamber.

Ms. Chitsaz, chairwoman of the women’s committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, emphasizing that arbitrary arrests of the families of Camp Ashraf residents is part of the criminal regime’s policy to apply pressure and severe psychological warfare against Camp Ashraf residents, demanded immediate intervention of the UN Secretary-General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and other relevant United Nations bodies, as well as the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran and Rapporteurs on arbitrary arrests to save the lives of political prisoners and families of PMOI members, especially female political prisoners.

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
August 25, 2012

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