Call to save the life of Nasrin Sotoudeh and to support other striking women political prisoners


Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran calls to save the lives of Mrs. Nasrin Sotuodeh, lawyer of political prisoners, and a number of women political prisoners who are on hunger strike in Evin prison, and it calls on all international authorities defending human rights and women rights to condemn imposing wicked pressures on political prisoners, especially women prisoners, in Iran.


 Mrs. Nasrin Sotuodeh

In protest at inhuman pressures and restrictions against her and her family, such as banning departure of her 12 year old daughter, depriving her from meeting with her two very young children, etc., Mrs. Sotudeh, a 47 year old lawyer, has gone on hunger strike since October 17 and is in dire physical conditions; nevertheless, torturers in prison refrain from providing medical treatment to her.
Ms. Sotoudeh was arrested in September 2010 for defending political prisoners. She was sentenced to six years in prison and ten years relieve from practicing law on charges of “acting against national security” and “propaganda against the regime”.
Meanwhile, nine other female political prisoners in Evin prison have gone on hunger strike to protest violent assaults by female wardens and torturers and humiliating inspections.
Intensification of pressures on political prisoners, concurrent with the wave of escalating collective executions in various cities throughout the country are reactions of mullahs’ regime on the verge of demise as it confronts extensive internal and international crises, especially the growing rage of women and youth against this regime.
Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
November 3, 2012

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