Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceCall for a policy of firmness towards the mullahs

Call for a policy of firmness towards the mullahs

A petition signed by 15.000 people condemns the decision of the French government not respecting the ruling of the European Court removing PMOI from the terror list
NCRI – Hundreds of Iranians and sympathizers of the National Council of Resistance of Iranian gathered yesterday in Paris to protest against the refusal of the Council of Ministers of the European Union to implement the ruling of the European Court of Justice canceling the designation of PMOI in the terror list. They also condemned the efforts of the French government in this direction.

A petition signed by 15.000 people condemns the decision of the French government not respecting the ruling of the European Court removing PMOI from the terror list

NCRI – Hundreds of Iranians and sympathizers of the National Council of Resistance of Iranian gathered yesterday in Paris to protest against the refusal of the Council of Ministers of the European Union to implement the ruling of the European Court of Justice canceling the designation of PMOI in the terror list. They also condemned the efforts of the French government in this direction.

Today’s action falls within a campaign which began last week in France against the refusal of the European Council of Ministers to conform to the ruling of the Court of Justice, and the efforts in this direction of the French government within the framework of the policy of appeasement.

The demonstrators invited the French Presidential candidates to commit themselves to a policy of firmness without shameful bargaining with the mullahs’ regime. They asked for an end to the policy of appeasement.  France was an advocate of this policy during the last twenty years.

A petition signed by 15.000 people condemns the decision of the French government not to exercise the ruling of the European Court removing PMOI from the list of terrorism by appeasing the mullahs. It was addressed to the Quai d’Orsay to the attention of Mr Philippe Douste-Blazy, Foreign Minister.

Pierre Bercis (president of the New human rights), François Colcombet (former deputy and magistrate), Odile Favrat (Co president of the FASTI), Jean Ferrat, Mgr Jacques Gaillot, Henri Gervinet (Vice president of the Community of Agglomeration Center of Martinique), Françoise Hériter (honorary professor of Collège de France), Father Henri Le Boursicaud, Senator Claude Lise (President of the Council General of Martinique), Senator Jean-Pierre Michel, Gilles Paruelle (former Bar Association president), Raymond Saint-Louis-Augustin (Assistant Mayor of Fort-de-France) and many other personalities appear among the signatories who expressed their abhorrence towards the policy of appeasement with the ruling regime in Iran.

Signatories stated that in light of the court decision canceling the PMOI terrorist designation by the Council of the European Union, the French government illegally continues to maintain this label against the Iranian opposition. This attitude of the French government is to ridicule the State of law and encourages non-respect for the law.

The signatories want an end to the disobedience of the ruling of the Court of first Instance of the European Communities which removed the PMOI from the terrorist list. As it is underlined in this declaration, the events of June 17, 2003, the raid against the Iranian opponents and assembling a case against them was scandalous.

Nobody doubts that these charges on the other hand are the outcome of bargaining with the religious dictatorship in Iran to benefit from its oil and profitable economic contracts. The signatories say they are seriously concerned to see the values of the French Republic are sold out to a religious fascist regime.