California Legislature Majority Declares Support for Iranian Uprising and Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

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Forty-two members of the California Legislature have signed letters expressing their support for the recent uprising of the Iranian people and endorsing Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan for the future of Iran.

Among these signatories are 28 Democratic representatives and 14 Republican representatives from California’s 80-member legislature. These representatives highlight that the Iranian people reject both monarchical dictatorship and religious despotism.

The majority of California representatives underscore that the American people stand behind the Iranian people’s aspirations for a democratic, non-nuclear republic in Iran, characterized by the separation of religion and state, as well as a foreign policy based on peaceful coexistence.

They further state that the steadfast solidarity of the American people with their Iranian counterparts is evident through the overwhelming endorsement by the majority in the United States House of Representatives in the 118th Congress Resolution 100. This resolution supports Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan, which calls for universal suffrage, free elections, a free market economy, gender, religious, and ethnic equality, peaceful coexistence, and a non-nuclear Iran.

The majority of the California Legislature emphasizes that the ongoing uprisings in Iran have their origins in over four decades of organized resistance against the dictatorship. These movements are led by resilient women who have endured torture, sexual violence, and even death.

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