British MP Anna Firth: UK Parliament Salutes Iranian Resistance’s Unbelievable Courage and Determination

anna firth free iran 2023

At the Free Iran Global Summit 2023, Anna Firth, a member of the UK House of Commons, expressed her solidarity with the brave young women and men of Iran and NCRI President-elect Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan. She commended their courage and determination in the struggle for justice, democracy, equality, and freedom in Iran. Mrs. Firth emphasized the need to end the oppression of women and called for endorsing the democratic alternative to the current regime. She expressed belief in the regime’s weakness and the impending change, envisioning a future global summit in a free Iran. The British MP concluded by presenting a book on behalf of the UK Parliament and highlighted Madame Rajavi‘s ability to draw inspiration.

The full speech of Mrs. Anna Firth follows:

So, I want to start by saying thank you for inviting me to my very first Free Iran Global Summit. Thank you. But I accepted your kind invitation for one reason and one reason only, and that is that I wanted to come here today and express my solidarity, not just as a Member of Parliament, but as a mother of three young people. Two of them are young women, and also that of the UK Parliament, with the brave young women and young men of Iran and, of course, with you, Madame Rajavi, and your Ten-Point Plan.

I want you to know that the UK Parliament salutes your unbelievable courage and determination. And we stand with you in your vital struggle for justice, for democracy, for equality, and for freedom in Iran. And we stand with you because it is clear that your courage and your determination must go on. It must go on until the oppression of women stops. It must go on until the use of sexual violence as a means of oppressing women stops.

And it must go on until the murder… as the democratic alternative to the current regime and endorsing Madame Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan because now is not the time to accommodate the regime and to allow Tehran to dictate our Iran policy.

Because I believe the regime is crumbling, I believe the regime is weak, and we are in a moment of major change. Because let’s remember, dictatorships tend to fall the way Ernest Hemingway said, people go bankrupt gradually and then suddenly. So, I hope that next year we will be meeting for this global summit in Tehran in a free Iran. And with that, it’s my great pleasure to invite Madame Rajavi to the stage.

In England, we had a very famous female prime minister called Mrs. Thatcher, and Mrs. Thatcher once said, “If you want something saying, ask a man, but if you want something doing, ask a woman.” And I believe in Madame Rajavi, we have a woman who cannot just do but say as well. Madam Rajavi, it is my huge pleasure to hand you the book on behalf of the UK Parliament.

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