Berlin Bar spokesman condemns 1988 massacre in Iran as “crime against humanity”

NCRI – The deputy chair and spokesman of the Human Rights section of the Berlin Bar Association,  Bernd Haeusler, described the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran as a crime against humanity, in an interview yesterday with the opposition satellite channel Simay-e Azadi Iranian National TV.

In his remarks broadcast on the Iranian opposition channel, Mr. Haeusler said, “It is unacceptable that today after the passing of 22 years from the massacre of political prisoners, which is a crime against humanity, (those responsible for it) have not been held accountable. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi of the National Council of Resistance of Iran has quite appropriately called on the UN Security Council to adopt the necessary measures to investigate this massacre. The international community has thus far prosecuted the perpetrators of many different crimes and it should do so in this case as well. ”

Mr. Haeusler added, “There was a six member committee [in 1988], each of whom represented a leading figure in the regime. Even Khomeini himself was represented by someone in this committee. The prime minister at the time, Mir Hossein Moussavi, was personally there. This committee worked on an ominous plan to separate supporters of the People’s Mojahedin from other prisoners. Then, starting on July 19, a wave of executions began which lasted until the end of 1988 for about 5 months.”

Haeusler noted, “According to the definitions of the International Criminal Court, it is within the UN Security Council’s authority to remand this crime for investigations to the court. I consider this remedy to be appropriate and important. If justice is to prevail in the world, then this tribunal should not be a political tool but a legal means and so must investigate this crime in Iran.”

“After 22 years since the massacre, I hope that the Iranian people can finally reach justice and victory,” Mr. Haeusler added.

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