Belgian Politicians Call on Brussels to Stop the Deal with Tehran



Dear Prime minister and Member of Belgian Parliament,

With this letter, the Belgian committee expresses its utmost concerns regarding the treaty between the Belgian government De Croo and the terrorist regime in Iran which facilitates the prisoners swap between Iran and Belgium.

Clearly, the treaty not even guarantees security in Europe, it even gives a green light to the Iranian regime’s terrorist networks to increase their activities and their terrorist attacks on European soil, knowing that they will be rewarded with a chance to return to Iran immediately after their arrest and their conviction in Belgium.

This deal will make Belgium safe heaven for Iran IRGC and terrorist Networks to take Europe hostage and intimidation. This is a clear violation of International Human Rights Law and Anti Terrorism laws.

This regime does not represent the Iranian People, it is their main enemy, we must stand up with the Iranian people for freedom desires.

UN Special Rapporteurs have Many times exposed and condemned the systematic ‘Impunity’ of the regime officials for all their Crimes

They must face Justice and the International Court of Justice not appeasement by the De Croo administration.

Iran was designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism in 1984, and Iran continued its terrorist-related activity in 2020, including support for Hizballah, and various terrorist and militant groups in Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere throughout the Middle East, we ask the De Croo Government to withdraw this shameful agreement and the Parliament must say NO to this ‘Agreement and Law’ between Belgium Gov. and Terrorist Brutal Dictatorship ruling Iran which is the most Active Sponsor of International Terrorism and on the verge of being overthrown.

Best Regards,

Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians and Mayors for a Democratic Iran.

Pierre Galand, Ere-Senator en President van OMCT Europe
Mark Demesmaeker, Senator, Ere-Europarlementslid
Serge de Patoul, Ere-Afgevaardigde en Schepen
Michael Freilich, federale kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers

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