Belgian MPs and Senators back Maryam Rajavi’s call for a ‘free and democratic Iran’

NCRI – The Iranian Resistance President-elect Maryam Rajavi has called on Belgium to give its full support to overthrowing the despotic regime in Iran, which is ‘suppressing Iranian people and exporting terrorism’.

In a speech in the Belgian Parliament on March 27, she told MPs and Senators how last year the Iranian regime, with the help of its proxies in Iraq, forced the members of Camp Ashraf to a prison called Camp Liberty – where they were then attacked and murdered.

The Liberty residents must now be re-located to safety in the USA or Europe or be returned to Ashraf which is safer, and she urged the Senate to press for urgent action to ensure their safety.

Senator Gérard Deprez told the meeting referring to Belgian party politics: “Despite our differences in our internal matters, I am delighted to announce that we act as a united front in our support for the Iranian people.”

He added, “Many members of the Senate support Maryam Rajavi’s 10-point plan. We believe this plan is a very strong and practical one for achieving peace and democracy in Iran.”

Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee member Patirck Moriau told the meeting: “As US forces left Iraq, we were all concerned about the security of Camp Ashraf. The common belief was that Camp Liberty could be a practical solution. Once more the international community has failed to fulfil its commitments to these residents, and because of that, they are demanding a return to Camp Ashraf.”

Full support for the cause of peace and democracy in Iran was also given by MPs Els Demol, David Clarinval and Jan Jambon.

Senator Dirk Claes, President of the Belgian Committee of Parliamentarians for a Democratic Iran, said in a statement published after the meeting: “By inviting Mrs Rajavi to Belgium, we have given ourselves an exceptional opportunity to learn about the situation in Iran first hand.

“We’ve also learnt about the violation of human rights in Iran and the state of the residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty.

“We will continue to push to bring this matter to the attention of the international community. We organized this gathering to bring to everyone’s attention the violation of human rights in Iran, as well as the situation of the residents of Camps Ashraf and Liberty, matters that are high political priorities.”

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