Belgian MP praises ‘significant role’ of women in Iranian opposition

Speech by Mrs. Els Demol, a member of Foreign Affairs committee of the Belgium Parliament at international conference at the European parliament on April 9:

I am very honored and very happy to once again attend a meeting with Mrs. Maryan Rajavi and the supports of all the Iranian’s resistance.The struggle that Maryam Rajavi is leading against one of the most brutal regimes of our times is both remarkable, commendable and admirable.

There is no doubt in my mind that all the step that she has taken will lead to a democratic change in Iran and I sincerely hope that it will happen very soon.

The significant role women have played in the leading the Iranian resistance through the hardship of recent years is all the more remarkable, unique, and commendable since in the Middle East, women have traditionally being held back back from the political process. So, this is not just a coincidence all by chance.

Now I think that woman in Iran find a role model and an example in Mrs. Rajavi, who courageously stood up against the Islamic fundamentalists, who wanted to hijack the freedom in their county and who are now abusing their religion as a weapon to suppress.

I want to salute the women in Iranian resistance and today I particularly want to commemorate the seven brave women who were killed in Camp Ashraf three years ago on the 8th April 2011.

Recently, our media have pay much attention to the interim nuclear deal with Iran that was in the thoughts of quit a lot of journalist and politicians, the results of democratization thanks to the election of the ‘moderate’ Hassan Rouhani. Now that ladies and Gentlemen I think what is called Wishful thinking. After ten month in power, there is no sign of moderation.

The facts and the figures and the truth prove the opposite. The number of execution in Iran have almost doubled, journalist and bloggers have been arrested and jailed.

Members of ethnic and religious minorities have been tortured and executed. Students continued to be harassed in Universities and the economy is at the worst state. In short, there is no improvement in the living and working conditions; there is no improvement when it comes to Freedom of speech or other human rights in Iran with this ‘moderate’ Rouhani.

We are all witnesses of the reaction of the Rouhani’s government in the resolution that was adapted last week in this house of the European parliament in which the Rouhani government was urged to improve human rights in Iran.

All the seniors of the regime including Rouhani and his foreign minister rushed to condemn this resolution, and it was not even a strong resolution.

They even went so far as to summon Greek ambassador who is the rotating EU president and yesterday they announced cancellation of parliamentarian delegation that was schedule to go to Strasburg next week.

Are these the signs of moderation? I do not think so. They are clear sign of a fragile and desperate regime that wants to stay in power and maintain control at any cost.

Their reaction should also show us the way to go. We should keep pressing for human rights; it is the weakest point of any dictatorship.

So, we shall continue to press until the day we see a democratic change in Iran.

And I conclude, ladies and gentlemen I express my full support and solidarity for the members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Camp Liberty.

Please be assured that we in the Belgium parliament, we continue to fight for your rights and your protection.

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