Australian supporters of democracy in Iran committed to delisting PMOI from terror list

Australian supporters of democracy in Iran committed to delisting PMOI from terror list.NCRI – Jocelyn Scott, Australian Barrister and renowned writer and an advocate of women’s rights was in a delegation from Australia to the largest gathering of Iranians in Europe on July 1st to express support for Maryam Rajavi’s third option for democratic change in Iran. The following are excerpts from her speech:

President Madam Rajavi, sisters and brothers, friends and citizens of the world.

I remember all through history that love and truth have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for the time they seemed to be invincible, but in the end they always fall.

Those are the words of mahatma Gandhi of India who fought to free his own country from the colonialist oppressor.

Today on this day of action for an end to the suppression of women’s rights in Iran, an end to suppression of the women and the men who are speaking up for women’s rights and the rights of all Iranians to get rid of the religious dogma and religious dominations.

As an Australian and a Citizen of the world, I say to you, there are so many of us in Australia united in support of the struggle of Iranian people for freedom, democracy and peace in Iran, for an end to the tyranny, the religious fundamentalism and the political repression. We are united in support of the struggle of Iranian people for an end to suppression of women’s rights in Iran.

Sadly Australia has listed the people’s Mojahedin of Iran as a prohibited organization. This listing by the Australian government was done without any vote of the Australian Parliament without referring to the people of Australia without consultation with Iranian-Australians.

Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran is an organization established in Australia by Australians from all backgrounds, origins, ethnicities, religious beliefs, and from various political, social and cultural backgrounds.

Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran are united on three principles:
1 -all Iranian have right to live in their country Iran in freedom and democracy.
2 -all Iranian have right to live in their country, Iran, with true equality and freedom for women.
3 -all Iranian have right to live in their country Iran free of religious domination and without oppression of the fundamentalism.

All members of Australian supporters of democracy in Iran are committed to delisting the People’s Mojahedin of Iran from the terrorist list.

We are taking this issue to the members of parliament, to political parties, to people of Australia to insure they would understand the issue and what lies behind it, that the PMOI must be de-listed.

Each words has an echo so to seek silence when truth and justice are under attack, when people’s lives being threaten, being destroyed and ended by tyrannical power and being denied, it is then that the silent and echo of silent must be ended.

We are speaking out in Australia for truth and justice to be recognized in the delisting of the PMOI. Every word we speak has an echo. It is these words and echoes, here in Paris today that blends with the words by all those living in Iran and all Iranians living outside Iran to stand up against tyranny and religious fundamentalism for freedom for justice for democracy for all and for the recognition of women’s rights as human.

1 – Take the PMOI off the list and,
2 – enabling the Iranian people to vote the NCRI and Maryam Rajavi into the government.

When I despair I remember that all through history, the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and to time they seem indivisible but in the end they always fall.

We joined together today against tyrants and murderers and in the name of truth and love. The truth and the love that was expressed today have echoes, the truth and the love expressed here today will win.

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