Associated Press: Two thousand rally in Stockholm against Iranian regime

STOCKHOLM, Sweden (AP) – Two thousand opponents of the Iranian regime rallied in Stockholm Saturday, claiming the government there was violating human rights and oppressing the country’s resistance movement.

Demonstrators gathered in central Stockholm, carrying flags and banners in support of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a coalition of Iranian opposition groups.
Police spokesman Joakim Caryll said no one was arrested, and that there were no disturbances.

Speakers, including international lawmakers, politicians and lawyers, also called on the international community to impose financial sanctions on Iran to help its people find their own way to democracy, without military or financial interventions.

«We don’t need money and guns,» said Mojtaba Ghotbi, a member of The Iranian Associations for a Free Iran in Sweden, which staged the demonstration. «We want a democratic change in Iran, through the people themselves and the opposition.

The protest ended with a peaceful march through the main streets of Stockholm.

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