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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceArtist sympathizers of Iranian Resistance inside Iran voice support for its 10-day...

Artist sympathizers of Iranian Resistance inside Iran voice support for its 10-day call to protest

Artist sympathizers of Iranian Resistance inside Iran voice support for its 10-day call to protestNCRI – On the brink of the first anniversary of the start of the nationwide uprising in Iran and in response to the Iranian Resistance’s call for more protests, artists inside Iran supporting the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) have issued a statement inviting their colleagues to continue resistance and steadfastness against the cruel ruling theocracy, which they described as an enemy of culture and art. 

In their statement, the artists have said, “We, artists and supporters of the NCRI, join hands with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and other activists, as well as the Kurdish, Azeri, Lor, and Baluch peoples in Iran, to shout out, ‘death to dictator,’ ‘down with the principle of velayat-e faqih [absolute clerical rule],’ ‘death to [mullahs’ Supreme Leader Ali] Khamenei,’ and ‘long live Rajavi,’” referring to Massoud and Maryam Rajavi, leaders of the Iranian Resistance.

In another part of the statement, the artists note, “In the current dire situation of our homeland, and at a time when the murderous dictatorship executes the brightest souls of this nation so that it can in its own mind create an atmosphere of intimidation and terror in the country, Iranian youths and brave women and men are tearing apart the cloak of repression everywhere in Kurdistan, Melli University, Tehran University and other universities, while chanting, ‘death to dictator’ and ‘we are the children of war, fight and we will fight.’”

The statement adds, “Indeed, all this courage and bravery in our enchained and suffering homeland on the brink of the uprising and 10-day protests during June 10-20 increases the responsibility of artists tenfold. We must rise up with all our might against the cruel regime that is an enemy of art and culture. We must rise up against the dictators.”