Arizona conference supports democratic change in Iran


Iran’s mullahs are the ‘epicentre of Islamic extremism’ and must be ousted from power by the Iranian opposition, a conference in the US has been told.

Speakers at the event in Phoenix, Arizona, expressed support for a free and democratic alternative to the religious dictatorship in Tehran.

Former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani said the terrorism emanating from Islamic fundamentalism is ‘connected by a common ideology… and it’s united by money and support from the regime of Iran’.

He told the conference entitled Countering Islamic Fundamentalism: “”The MEK (PMOI) answers a question I am asked all the time. Where are the moderate Muslims? Where are the Muslims that stand up against terrorism? They’re right here. That’s the MEK (PMOI).

“They want an Iran that’s built on the rule of law and they want an Iran that is non-nuclear. That’s the alternative to the Islamic fundamentalist extremists. President Obama should embrace them.”

General Hugh Shelton, 14th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: “Although ISIS has thoroughly dominated the headlines, Tehran is essentially the modern prototype of fundamentalist Islam, a perverted version of the great religion of course, predating ISIS, predating Al Qaeda and being responsible for the first major confrontation between the Islamic fundamentalism and the West during the 1979 Iran hostage crisis.

“The MEK is paying the price because they are fighting for democratic rule and a more tolerant version of their faith.”

Congressman Paul Gosar and Representative Rick Gray praised the Iranian people’s continued struggle for freedom and democracy.

Senator Adam Driggs added: “There is an organized movement to replace a religious theocracy in Iran with a government that is freely elected, a government that guarantees basic human rights to her people, and I believe a government that would be a catalyst for change in the entire region.”

Representative David Livingston said: “It’s the MEK and the leaders of this great country that are going to fix this problem. We need to help them.”

Arizona Republican Party Chairman Robert Graham said: “Tehran has a culture and a leadership that understands two things, and that’s force and fear. We have to stand up and push back in a way that’s aggressive, that adopts force and fear, because there is a unified movement that is a groundswell that can topple governments.”

Former White House Director of Public Liaison Linda Chavez concluded at the event on February 13: “There is a moderate Islamic movement in the world, and it is headed up by a woman, Madame Maryam Rajavi, who is president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran. It is a movement that deserves our support.”

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