Analysis – Iranian uprising: Beginning of the end (part X)

On July 8, the French news agency, AFP, reported, “Post-election violence in Iran is ‘deeply shocking’, but G8 leaders nevertheless want to pursue talks to end the nuclear standoff with Tehran, French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Wednesday.”

While G8 leaders engulf themselves with the speculation of ending the standoff with Tehran through dialogue, news from inside the Iranian regime should prove instructive. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s first deputy, Davoudi, was quoted by the state-run Fars news agency on July 12, in remarks which shed light on the prevalent attitude inside the regime. Davoudi noted, “Unlike the past when we had to beg the West for 10 centrifuges, and even worse, when we had to reveal our thoughts and ideas to the enemy before implementing them, today, thanks to the guidelines of His Excellency the Supreme Leader, as well as the efforts of the ninth administration [Ahmadinejad’s government] and the people’s perseverance, 12,000 centrifuges are currently running in Iran. We are conquering technological milestones one after another and moving towards the summits of progress.”

Davoudi went on to say, “Today, the Islamic Republic of Iran has proven its prowess to the rest of the world through technological advancements and great achievements, especially in the satellite and military fields. The Sejil rocket is one of these accomplishments. After the testing of Sejli-2 rocket, the terrorist and murderous Zionist regime confessed to its inability to confront the Islamic Republic of Iran.”

In such remarks, can one truly stumble on the slightest sign of a positive approach or compliance with the international community’s demands? G8 leaders have set a September deadline for the regime to comply. But, from now until September, there will certainly be no fundamental shifts in the dispositions of the regime’s Supreme Leader, who has final say on all matters. The only conceivable transformation in Iran could come from the uprising of the Iranian people which aims to uproot the absolute rule of the clerics.

For the past two decades, the Iranian Resistance, in virtue of its accurate and factual knowledge about the nature of the religious fascism ruling Iran, has counseled Western politicians and leaders that there is absolutely nothing that could change through dialogue with the regime. The reason is that the foundation of the regime is anchored in the principle of velayat-e faqih, which translates into absolute rule of the Supreme Leader. However, the West failed to heed this warning and as a result it took a long time for it to discover that seeking a moderate within the regime and banking on this or that president is nothing but a mirage.

As CNN has reported based on video clips and news obtained from inside Iran, the slogan of “death to Khamenei” chanted by people on the streets clearly shows that Iranians have directly targeted the Supreme Leader and demand complete regime change.

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