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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceAnalysis - Iranian uprising: Beginning of the end (part IX)

Analysis – Iranian uprising: Beginning of the end (part IX)

June 15, 2009- anti-government protest in IranIran will never return to the past

What were the lessons of protests on the anniversary of the July 9th uprising?

The scenes created by the Iranian people in streets across the country yesterday on the anniversary of the July 9th uprising, were truly inspirational. People did not have the opportunity to form a large nationwide demonstration because of the heavy terror and suppression imposed by the ruling mullahs. So, instead they formed protest gatherings of roughly several thousand in dozens of different locations. The chants of “Death to Khamenei” and “Death to dictator” were heard all over Tehran.

The regime had brought out the majority of its forces to suppress protestors. Even the highest ranking commanders of the State Security Forces (SSF) and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were on the streets to lead the crackdown. They wanted to prevent the creation of any protest movement on the occasion of the July 9th anniversary with whatever means possible, and planned to gain full control over the situation. But, the people of Iran taught them an important lesson yesterday.

It was proven that the warnings of the regime’s Supreme Leader, its illegitimate president, public prosecutors, and judicial officials are no longer effective. It was also established that, the people of Iran, alert and of course prepared to pay the price, have the capacity to shatter the mullahs’ suppressive wall, no matter how thick and firm it has proven to be.

Another lesson for future was that even with the regime’s suppressive plans to prevent the formation of protests and gatherings and even with the use of the pretext of “lack of legal permission” by others to avoid joining the street protests, the people should give no consideration to the quantity or scale of protests. The permission to object, dissent and have rightful protests to ensure popular sovereignty has already been issued by the Iranian people who have lived under the cloak of suppression for 30 years, and thus there is no need for consent from the mullahs’ regime.

The people and especially the youth of Iran have illustrated their resolve to carry out instant protests at any time and anywhere, especially where the regime’s suppressive forces are weaker and cannot fill the void. They also showed that even in circumstances where there is no opportunity to form a gathering, they can even connect in groups of 3, 5, or 9 people, and thus divide and wear out the regime’s suppressive forces. According to reports from Iran, on July 9, many instances were seen where the regime’s forces displayed weakness and exhaustion on the streets.

The people clearly voiced their message on July 9th, which was: The mullahs must go because the right to sovereignty belongs to the people.

Who was this message addressed to?

Even though the above message was mainly addressed to those within the ruling regime in Iran, at the international level it was addressed to Western governments, who are waiting for “calm” to return to Iran so that they could negotiate with the terrorist and cruel mullahs to convince them to change their behaviour domestically and internationally. But, the people of Iran are saying with a loud voice: There is no need for you to convince the mullahs to change their behaviour through dialogue, because we will use more effective means to force the regime to disappear altogether.

These days, of course, the harsh realities in Iran have compelled the leaders of Western countries to adopt a different tone. They no longer smile at the mullahs or extend their hand towards them, but rather condemn the violence and stress that the international community cannot wait forever regarding the regime’s nuclear program. But, so far, Western leaders trail the Iranian people by a long shot, with prevalent delays in their stances and positions. The condemnations of the regime’s violence and suppression, and the summoning of its ambassadors, must have been done at least two decades ago. The setting of a serious deadline for the regime’s halting of its nuclear programs must also have taken place 6 years ago when in August 2002 the National Council of Resistance of Iran exposed the mullahs’ clandestine nuclear activities. However, at the time, sadly, the West was busy smiling and shaking the mullahs’ hands. Now that it is required to carry out punitive measures and force the regime to retreat by adopting concrete actions, the West has, hesitantly and timidly, reached the point of offering verbal denunciations against the regime’s violence.

The Iranian people have announced the regime’s illegitimacy to the world with their uprising, which is still continuing and making irreversible achievements, and will bring about the change of the clerical regime. Western leaders are counseled to learn from the resolve and courage of the Iranian people against the rogue regime in Iran and to walk at the same pace as the Iranian people and Resistance. They should avoid trailing the trend and realize that a firm policy is not only the desire of the Iranian people but an imperative for peace and security in the region and the world. Otherwise, a regime surrounded by domestic crises, will see its only way out in stepping up suppression, further interfering in the region’s affairs, and speeding up its nuclear weapons projects.

The West is expected to take the following actions:

First, to cease diplomatic relations and impose comprehensive sanctions against the regime and ban foreign visits by the regime’s officials until the suppression has completely ceased.

Second, to force the regime to annul its sham election and instead accept a free UN-supervised election on the basis of popular sovereignty and not absolute clerical rule.

Third, to refer the regime’s crimes dossier to the UN Security Council and bring to trial at an international tribunal officials involved in suppression and the massacre of political prisoners, especially Ali Khamenei and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Analysis – Iranian uprising: Beginning of the end (other parts)