A shocking confession by a former top MOIS official

By Reza Shafa 

A former deputy at the Research Division of the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), made a shocking confession that during the 1988 political prisoner executions by the mullahs’ regime, 33,700 people were executed and buried in mass graves.

Reza Malek, who worked at the MOIS when Ali Fallahian was its minister, made the revelation by appearing in a video tape. He was a colleague of the notorious Saeed Emami. After Emami’s arrest when the so-called chain murders were revealed and factional feuds within the regime ensued, Malek was also arrested and held in Ward 209 of Tehran's Evin prison run by the MOIS. After spending seven years in solitary confinement at MOIS, Reza Malek submitted a shocking video confession to the UN Secretary General about the crimes committed by the murderous MOIS.

According to this former MOIS official, there are between 170 to190 mass graves in various locations. In Tehran alone, there are 100 secret prisons and torture chambers affiliated with the MOIS.

Excerpts of this former MOIS official’s confessions include:

Your Excellency [referring to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon], with over a hundred cells, it has been some time that Ward 209 has been expanded. Some new cells have been constructed. Two rooms have been built and some of the older cells have been combined together. Soundproof torture chambers even have their own isolated doors.

These dark rooms are built under the building and are soundproof, and this is only a small portion of the Evin prison. The MOIS has over 100 secret prisons in Tehran. Your Excellency, there are such chambers all over the country, and they are run like execution chambers.

Your Excellency, if you are looking for genocide and criminals, in Iran there are between 170 to 190, perhaps more, mass graves. Your Excellency, in reality, these graves contain about a truck-full of bodies, or three to four containers. Just to prevent the families from being able to access the bodies, they have removed some of them or poured concrete in the graves. The bodies were buried in mass graves dug deep into the ground. They included 11-12 year old children and pregnant women.

Your Excellency, these crimes are committed by these very people who simply resemble humans and falsely claim to defend Islam, revolution and the export of it. Yes, at the hands of the deceitful and totalitarian mullahs.

Your Excellency, the regime’s crimes are so extensive that in a matter of a few days in 1988, more than 33,700 prisoners with varying sentences (a year, two years, five years), were executed and transferred to various places by containers and buried in graves by bulldozers. They were innocently buried by the criminal and deceitful mullahs’ regime. This is the result of the velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule) regime, which has subjected all that is humane to death and destruction.

Reza Shafa is an expert on the Iranian regime's Intelligence networks, both in Iran and abroad. He has done extensive research on Iranian Ministry of Information and Security (MOIS) also known as VEVAK, Intelligence Office of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), and Qods Force among others. Currently he is a contributor to NCRI website.


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