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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & ResistanceA great victory for rule of law in Europe

A great victory for rule of law in Europe

Dr. Alejo Vidal-QuadrasText of speech by Dr. Alejo Vidal-Quadras, Vice-President of European Parliament at Residence Palace in Brussels on January 27

NCRI – It is always a great pleasure to see you, but today the pleasure is really beyond limits.
It has been a great victory which we have won, if you allow me to say ‘we.’ Thank you.

I think we have learned some lessons from this great victory. One lesson is a very practical one: if you resist long enough, you will win. We resisted and we fought for many years until this day finally arrived. Another lesson is that our system works, although slowly and with a lot of difficulties. In the end, the rule of law and justice will prevail.

Today I feel proud to be European because during all these years of struggle I did not feel much pride at times. Today I have again inside me, my pride of being a European citizen because we have seen that our system of rule of law works.

The people who are not terrorists are out of the list now, and the ones that are the real terrorist are in government. The next step is to put the real terrorists on the list. This is the second half of our work, and I hope it will not take us so many years. We have done 50% of the work

Mrs President, I really want to congratulate you because your leadership has been a decisive factor in this fight and in this delightful victory. Mrs Rajavi, your leadership has also been a decisive factor because many years ago when I started this struggle with all my colleagues in the European Parliament, many of whom I see here today, it was in the last parliament. I was introduced to this mission by Paulo Casaca and Struan.

Of course they told me about your movement, the situation, and about your goals. Then I met Firouz, and then Mr Mohaddessin. But frankly, when I decided to really get involved was after I met you, Mrs Rajavi. You really convinced me. Talking to you, listening to you, learning about you, your life, your accomplishments, your dreams for Iran, is when I really came to an understanding that I should also put my modest contribution to this.

So thank you very much. I congratulate you, because your leadership has been essential and I hope that your leadership will go on until the final victory, because today we have had a very important step. There will be a before and after of this battle we have won.

 The most important issue still ahead is to bring to Iran the same political and democratic system we have in Europe. That day, our task will be completed.

And, finally, there is another lesson to learn: team work. There were three components in such team work. Your organisation is really exemplary in how you organise things, your commitment, and your determination. You never seem to be tired of something. It is extraordinary. So this was essential.

Another part that was decisive as well was the work of the legal team. I can only express my admiration for this legal team. It was really wonderful. I had the pleasure to witness them at work, in Luxembourg, in French, in English and they were superb. Immediately after listening to them, I was convinced the judge will be also convinced because you are very good. So congratulation to you.

And the third leg of this victory was political action. This is where we in the European parliament, and other national parliaments, have done as much as we were able to. Thousands of parliamentarians have been putting political pressure on governments and giving you public support. Let me say modestly that we also had done our part.

So the combination of these three elements, which included your organisation, this extraordinary legal team and our modest political work, has led to this result in the end.

And now, Mrs President, we start a new Iran. I have always said that it was very difficult for you to work politically with your hands tied by this unjust decision and unjust tag. Now your hands are free and your work will gain in efficiency and also our capacity to operate with you, and to support you, will multiply after this great political achievement. So, congratulations again. Now there is only one thing to say to you, Mrs President: See you in Tehran.