A fair deal, interview with Maryam Rajavi



ImageA democratic free and fair election has from the onset been the goal of the struggle waged by the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

Source: May 2008 Issue of Modern Government Magazine – UK
In her capacity as President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Maryam Rajavi leads the campaign for democratic change in Iran and for the establishment of a secular republic. Here, she speaks to George Wright, outlining her hopes for the future.

Q: What is your assessment of the recent parliamentary elections in Iran and what message does it have for the West?

Maryam Rajavi: Let me first say that under the religious dictatorship ruling Iran, elections and parliament are a farce. All factions within the regime must be committed to the absolute rule of clergy (Velayat-e-faqih) in their minds and deeds. The regimes’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei unipolarised his regime by appointing Ahmadinejad as president in 2005. The so-called parliamentary election was the climax of this trend which started in 2005. Khamenei wants to patch all holes in his own regime in order to confront all domestic and international implications of his accelerated drive to obtain nuclear weapons.

I welcome the fact that the European Union declared that the mullahs’ election was “neither fair nor free”. A democratic free and fair election has from the onset been the goal of the struggle waged by the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran [PMOI/MEK].

Q:  You have said on many occasions that the current policy of the West vis-à-vis the regime in Iran has essentially been the policy of appeasement. On the other hand, you disagree with foreign military intervention in Iran. What is your solution? Could you please elaborate on your program for the future of Iran?

Maryam Rajavi: Our solution is democratic change in Iran by the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance. The policy of appeasing the mullahs has been counter-productive. It has emboldened the regime and led to the emergence of Ahmadinejad.

We believe in the separation of Church and State, gender equality, individual freedom, freedom of press, and freedom of expression, abolishment of the death penalty, a market economy and relations with all countries.

Q: Why do you say the people of Iran are ready for regime change? What should the West do in this regard? Are the current UN resolutions enough to resolve this crisis?

Maryam Rajavi: People of Iran are extremely dissatisfied; more than 5000 anti-regime protests took place in the country last year.

There is a nationwide Resistance with a democratic alternative to the regime. We want the West to end its support for the regime and stand with the Iranian people. Sanctions are necessary but not enough; therefore, tougher sanctions must be imposed against the regime.

The solution for Iran crisis is regime change and this can only be realized by the Iranian people and their Resistance. Therefore, sanction must be accompanied by recognition of the Iranian Resistance.

Q: In your view, what have been the negative results of the designation of the PMOI, the main component of the NCRI, in the terrorist list? What would be the impact of the removal of the PMOI?

Maryam Rajavi: The terror tag on the PMOI is the main barrier for democratic change in Iran. It has prevented the Iranian Resistance from using all its capabilities and potentials. For the most part, the energy and resources of the Resistance has been devoted to fight the designation. Lifting the ban on the PMOI will exert the maximum pressure on the regime because it recognizes that the resistance is the actor for change. It is the strongest message to the Iranian people to rise up for regime change enabling the Resistance to use its resources and potentials for organizing the people.

Q: What is your message for British politicians who are the primary readers of this magazine?

Maryam Rajavi: My message is that the United Kingdom should stand with the Iranian people and their ideals. Today, a negative impression has been shaped in the minds of people of my country and the Middle East because of the British government’s appeasing of the religious fascism ruling Iran. Ending this policy and recognizing the Iranian Resistance can help correct this impression.
Why should the British government support a ruthless dictatorship which is suppressing its own people, taking hostage or killing UK Marines and soldiers; a regime which has endangered global peace and security?

I remind British policymakers that they are making a grave miscalculation. They are investing in the possibility of the mullahs’ regime changing its behavior; not realizing that for the mullahs, behavior change is equal to regime change.

They will never abandon domestic suppression, the drive to obtain nuclear weapons and efforts to dominate Iraq. Ahmadinejad said recently that in this regard the first step back would be the last step.

This regime is on its way out. Long term UK and EU political and economic relations with Iran could be guaranteed only by standing with the people of Iran. I call on British policymakers to open a new chapter in UK relations with Iran. They should stand with the people of Iran not their suppressive rulers. I welcome the fact that so many members of the parliament from both Houses have rejected the policy of appeasement. By being committed to noble principles and values such as democracy and human rights, they have arisen in support of the Resistance.
Their stance presents a bright example for future relations between the British and the Iranian people.

Maryam Rajavi, President –elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, spoke to George Wright.

On May 7, the British Court of Appeal, presided over by the Lord Chief Justice Phillips, refused the UK Home Secretary’s leave to appeal the November 30, 2007 judgment of the Proscribed Organizations Appeal Commission (POAC).

As such, the POAC ruling on the removal of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran from the terrorist list became definitive and cannot be appealed.

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