A Bold Confession by Iran Regime’s Senior Official on Their Clandestine Nuclear Project

 Iran Regime’s Senior Official on Their Clandestine Nuclear Project

By Staff Writer

In a detailed interview on June 5, 2018 with News channel state TV network regarding the Atomic project Ali Akbar Salehi head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran said:

Given the current circumstances, your sons (These unsung heroes), at the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), have kept working discretely around the clock, with the support of the government, both financially and regulatory.

This was one of the tasks that our organization carried out unselfishly, since previously we could not disclose many of our missions publicly, to avoid being misused (revealed), but currently we are gradually making them public.

Upon the recommendations of the Supreme Leader and the support of the honourable President, as the eleventh government was engaged in (Iran Deal) negotiations, the AEOI initiated massive infrastructural activities. Therefore, we have not lost any time for the capability of returning to where we were, if, God forbid, the JCPOA becomes null and void.

I said that what we have started. The order that has been issued for action is currently in the framework of the agreement, but if we are to walk in a wide range of areas, then the real conditions will be very different. I have always said – and this is a personal opinion – that I hope we never need to return to previous circumstances. I have said time and again that AEOI views itself as a scientific army and has its finger on the trigger all the time, so whenever senior authorities issue the order, it will resume its work at full speed. The AEOI has 14 to 15 thousands of personnel.

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