EDITORIAL: Berlin Rally, a Sign of Iranian Cohesion Inside and Outside Iran for Regime Change

 Berlin Rally, a Sign of Iranian Cohesion Inside and Outside Iran for Regime Change

Some 15000 Iranians opposing the mullahs marched in Berlin on Saturday July 6 on the initiative of the Iranian Resistance in one of the biggest marches ever held by the Iranian opposition outside the country. Demonstrators chanted slogans demanding the overthrow of the religious dictatorship and its replacement with a pluralistic, democratic government. The show of force was in solidarity with demonstrations that have rocked Iranian cities for more than a year.

This was the third major demonstration by the Iranian diaspora in the past several weeks, after marches in front of the White House in Washington on June 21 and in front of the European Commission in Brussels on June 15.

Similar demonstrations are planned later this month in London and Stockholm.

Hostile acts by the mullahs’ regime, including attacks on oil tankers in international waters, and its breaches of the 2015 international nuclear deal (JCPOA) with the intention of intimidating and holding the international community to hostage show once again the need for adopting a firm policy towards the mullahs.

The series of demonstrations by Iranian expatriates is the other face of the coin of rising internal dissent and the fatal crises facing the regime. These rallies’ message is that the way out of the current crisis is regime change by the Iranian people and the Iranian Resistance, and that the international community should, far from kowtowing to the mullahs, stand on the side of the Iranian people and acknowledge their right to overthrow this regime.

Through their demonstrations which are closely tied with developments inside Iran, the Iranian diaspora represent the voice of the risen people of Iran for liberty. At the same time, action taken by this community outside Iran, reflected on social media and by networks related to the organized Resistance inside the country, bring a message of hope to the oppressed people of Iran, who see that their voice is being heard against the policy of appeasement.

The unprecedented anti-regime cohesion that exists between Iranians inside and outside the country has been made possible by the strong bonds that exists between the organized Resistance and Iranian society as a whole. Which is why the regime’s terrorist activities against the exiled Iranian community has witnessed a marked increase. The mullahs know no means of survival other than carrying out torture and execution in Iran and exporting terrorism abroad.

Yet, despite their desperate acts of terrorism, the regime’s crucial situation, the readiness of society for change and the widespread support by the Iranian diaspora for such change show that Iran is now ready for regime change. Behind all this is an organized Resistance with a solid leadership which spreads hope for regime change towards a democratic Iran, after four decades of religious dictatorship.

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