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HomeIran News NowIran Opposition & Resistance154th Day of sit-in protest by the Families of Camp Ashraf Residents...

154th Day of sit-in protest by the Families of Camp Ashraf Residents and Supporters of the Iranian Resistance in front of UN In Geneva

NCRI – On the eve of the 154th day of protests and sit-in protest at the Headquarters of the United Nations in Geneva for the defense and protection of Camp Ashraf residents, Mr. Mehdi Abrishamchi, the Head of the Peace Commission for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), joined the ranks of the protestors and while expressing his gratitude, he said:

“I have come here today to deliver to you the appreciations of the residents of Camp Ashraf, and express my gratitude for your indefatigable perseverance on this 154th day of your sit-in for the cause of defense and protection of the rights of Ashraf residents.”


Mr. Abrishamchi continued by saying that ”Your efforts and sacrifices for the defense of Ashraf and the liberation of the Iranian people, which everyone of us and the Heroic People of Iran constantly watch on Iran Freedom National TV, are the source of inspiration for all of us.”

“As the individual in charge of the NCRI Peace Commission, I’ d to let you know that how proud we are of you and your selfless efforts,” he went on to say.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) is truly honored to have supporters of your caliber, who have registered in the annals of history such Herculean lesson and sacrifice.

“why do I say this; it is entirely for your perseverance that the most recent victory has been acquired for the right of Refugee Status for the residents of Ashraf,” referring to the recent recognition of the residents of Ashraf as bona fide refugees by UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

As you are aware, Mrs. Rajavi, the President of Iran’s Resistance, at the beginning of her speech at the Geneva Conference on September 21, expressed her gratitude for this giant step for the cause of Ashraf, which would not have been possible without your strength character and selflessness. This phenomenal achievement would not have been possible without your perseverance. And as the Leader of the Iranian Resistance, Massoud Rajavi has consistently stated “The only backing we have is the support of our supporters and sympathizers, and none other.”

The importance of your sit-in is so great that in every one of our meetings with dignitaries from the world over, we are told that your sacrifices are the mark of human dignity and the strength of your will and what pressures them to act.

“My dear sisters and brothers, Ashraf is not merely a city of light, or a camp for the refugees; it is as Mr. Ziegler so finely has put it ‘ the beating heart for Iran and the region of the Middle East and the roaring flame of hope for a people that has been suppressed by the Iranian regime’”, Mr. Abrishamchi concluded.

Thank you 

[Camp Ahraf is the place, in the Northern Provice of Diali, in which 3400 members of Modjahedin Khalgh Iran(PMOI/MEK) reside. Nouri-al-Maliki’s armed forces attacked this unarmed camp in January 2009 and April 2011, and killed 47 and wounded hundreds. This attack was condemned by the UN High Commission for Human Rights and UNAMI, and the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki Moon demanded an independent and transparent investigation of the event.]