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HomeIran News NowIran Regime to Sell Oil to People: A Deceptive Action to Further...

Iran Regime to Sell Oil to People: A Deceptive Action to Further Plunder the Nation

Oil, Iran
Selling oil to the Iranian people will only add more pressure on them

After a few days of bragging about an “economic relief,” the Iranian regime’s president Hassan Rouhani announced his plan: Selling oil to the Iranian people.

Due to the current economic situation of Iran, this will only add more pressure on the people. In other words, after 40 years of plundering the national wealth, and as the Iranian people are grappling with poverty, the Iranian regime wants to take every penny from the Iranian people.

According to the state-run Donya-e Eghtesad website: “The government wants to pre-sell 220 million barrels of oil in one year in the form of the supply of ‘parallel oil futures’ whose price is determined based on the government official exchange rate system. This figure is equivalent to 600,000 barrels per day of sales in a year and about six times the amount of Iranian oil sales in the first five months of this year.”

This action, contrary to the regime’s propaganda, is only meant to fill the pockets of the mullahs and their terrorist proxy groups. The Iranian regime intends to sell oil, which is a national resource, to the Iranian people, thus, depriving current and future generations from their most valuable natural resources and a major source of income.

The regime’s economic suffocation and its need for money to fund its terrorist proxy groups and oppressive forces inside Iran prompted the mullahs to take such a criminal decision. The regime’s oil-dependent economy has been crushed under international sanctions, imposed due to the regime’s illicit activities. Instead of stopping its warmongering policies and wrong economic policies, the Iranian regime has decided to further plunder the people’s wealth. In this regard, Eshagh Jahangiri, the Iranian regime’s vice president, acknowledged in June that there has been a sharp drop in the regime’s oil revenues due to United States sanctions, with the revenue stood at around $8 billion last year.  “We had $100 billion oil revenues. But our total oil revenue last year was around $8 billion. This decrease of revenue has had an impact on all parts, including the government’s budget,” he said.

Therefore, according to the state-run Tabnak news agency: “If we assume that the government sets the price of bonds at the current exchange rate of the dollar (about 22,000 tomans) and oil (about $44 dollars BP), it can earn 193 trillion tomans over the next year, or more than $8 billion.”

But will this amount of money boost the Iranian economy and resolve people’s problems?

The answer is clear, due to the regime’s institutionalized corruption and funding of terrorism. These are two economic blackholes, or as the state-run Aftab-e Yazd daily describes them, a “hole in the pocket.”

“People do not define compensating the government’s budget from their belongings as an ‘economic relief’. An economic relief is when people could breathe a sigh of relief; not when the government intends to fill its pocket, which has a hole in it, with people’s money.” (Aftab-e Yazd, August 10, 2020)

In addition, the state-run Arman daily, while rejecting claims by Rouhani about upcoming economic relief, wrote: “There wouldn’t be an economic relief. An economic relief does not happen with just one event. We must deal with it wisely and with prudence and awareness. Iran’s economy cannot have an economic opening without basic operations, measures, and making tough decisions.”

Now, amid the coronavirus outbreak and its rising death toll due to the regime’s mismanagement of this crisis, and while people are grappling with poverty, rising inflation rate and liquidity, this decision will further add to the society’s explosiveness. The nationwide Iran protests in November and the general boycott of the regime’s sham parliamentary elections in February showed the regime and the whole world the Iranian people’s desire and willingness to change this regime.

In this regard, Ahmad Tavakoli, former Member of Parliament, terrified of the regime’s downfall, wrote:

“This is selling of future. It is the transfer of today’s problems to the future. Mr. Rouhani apparently wants to presell the oil to the people in the coming years. Thus, they will be the government’s creditors demanding dollars not rials. Mr. Rouhani, you have multiplied the dollar exchange rate by six within the last seven years. If the future governments act like yours, how they could pay their debt? This is to overthrow the country into the valley of misery. If overthrowing the country in a few years to compensate for the lack of work, convenience, and corruption is economic relief, then what is misery? If we do not do something and continue like this, the fall is imminent.”

In a nutshell, as Mr. Abbas Davari, the Chairman of the Labor Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), wrote in an article on Real Clear Markets: “Iran’s wealth, resources and capital are in the hands of a medieval theocracy interested only in enriching itself. Inflation is skyrocketing. The money supply is multiplying. The national currency plunging. In these circumstances, no Sino-deal, Euro-trade, or US-bargain can save the ruined economy that is designed only for enriching the few ruling mullahs. The only elixir is regime change.”
