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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsU.S. Department of State: On the Continuing Protests in Iran

U.S. Department of State: On the Continuing Protests in Iran


January 4, 2018, U.S. Department of State today issued a press statement on the Iranian people’s nationwide protests against the clerical regime, the following is the full text of the announcement:

Heather Nauert

Department Spokesperson

Washington, DC

We continue to monitor closely the protests and violence in Iran. The Iranian people have been expressing their desire for dignified treatment, an end to corruption, improved transparency, and increased economic opportunities. Protestors have also demanded that the regime stop diverting the nation’s wealth to fund military adventurism abroad. Unfortunately, the government continues to imprison and kill those who are brave enough to venture into the street. It is limiting the flow of information into Iran, restricting free speech, and attempting to prevent the outside world from observing its own repression.

We support these legitimate aspirations of the Iranian people, and call on the government to allow the free exchange of ideas and information. All of us should be able to enjoy the same basic economic and political freedoms, including the right to peaceful demonstration. We condemn in the strongest possible terms the deaths to date and the arrests of at least one thousand Iranians. We have ample authorities to hold accountable those who commit violence against protestors, contribute to censorship, or steal from the people of Iran. To the regime’s victims, we say: You will not be forgotten.