Two years on – Camp Ashraf massacre victims remembered around the world

NCRI – The brutal massacre of 36 Iranian exiles and the wounding of hundreds more in a savage Iraqi-lead attack on Camp Ashraf two years ago has been remembered around the world.

Video: Ashraf massacre victims remembered in Iran

Iraqi forces under the command of Nouri al-Maliki launched the brutal assault the camp that was home to 3,200 members of the People’s Mojahedin organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) on April 8, 2011.

The United States, UN, and others all failed to heed warnings by the dissidents and their supporters of the impending danger, before agents of Iran’s terrorist Qods force and its Iraqi mercenaries stormed Ashraf.

Iranians held ceremonies on Monday outside the White House in Washington DC, in Los Angeles, Dallas and San Francisco, Berlin, London, Vienna, Brussels, Stockholm and The Hague.

Participants placed flowers on pictures of the victims and condemned the violation of human rights in Iran by displaying images of stonings and executions in their occupied homeland.

A large number of family members of the resistance’s martyrs, former members of Ashraf and Liberty and the survivors of the three deadly attacks on the camps, also took part in the memorials.

Participants and speakers also warned of the serious threat of another human catastrophe against residents of Ashraf and Liberty, and demanded UN and US keep their promises to protect them.

They stressed that the best option was to transfer all of the residents to the US or a European country, even on a temporary basis, where they could be resettled to third countries. The next option is to immediately transfer all the residents to Ashraf where their Refugee Determination Process could be finalized.

Family members of the residents also demanded that Martin Kobler be put on trial for facilitating crimes against humanity against their children and relatives.

And they urged the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugees to take the responsibility for the safety and security of Iranian refugees in Camp Liberty and Ashraf as it is mandated based on its own regulations.

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