Twenty-one MPs from Arab and African Countries Voice Support for Iran’s Uprising 


Twenty-one members of the parliament from Jordan, Palestine, Yemen, Tunisia, and Mauritania issued a joint statement to express their utmost support for the nationwide uprising inside Iran and asked the international community to recognize the right of the Iranian people to defend themselves by any means possible and to overthrow this regime.


The text of this statement reads: 

Since mid-September, protests have spread all over Iran. These uprisings, mostly led by women and youth, soon expanded to all 31 provinces. By chanting slogans of death to Khamenei, protesters want to overthrow the religious and unelected dictatorship. The repressive forces shot tear gas at the demonstrators and opened fire on them. 

The new round of uprisings sparked when Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old girl from the Iranian Kurdistan province, was arrested in Tehran on the pretext of inappropriate wearing her veil. Mahsa was beaten to death by the police. By September 25, at least 180 demonstrators were killed and countless others were injured. By disrupting the Internet in large parts of Iran, the rulers of the Iranian regime are trying to prevent the spread of news and images that reveal the dimensions of the uprising and they want to prevent disclosure of the massacre they are committing. Hence, the international community must guarantee free access to the Internet for the people of Iran. 

By putting their own safety in harm’s way, the Resistance Units play a serious role in organizing and continuing these protests and resisting repression. 

Executions and crackdowns have been the order in the last 40 years under the rule of the current leaders of the Iranian regime, such as Supreme Leader Khamenei and its current president, Ebrahim Raisi. Amnesty International has repeatedly called for Raisi to be prosecuted for his role in the massacre of political prisoners in 1388. In that year, 30,000 political prisoners were executed by Khomeini’s fatwa, and 90% of them were from the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). During the November 2019 Uprising, more than 1,500 demonstrators were killed by the regime’s Revolutionary Guards. 

According to the aforementioned, we the signatories of this statement, call upon the United Nations, the UN member states, and other international organizations: 

The signatories of this joint statement are as follows: 

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