TEHRAN, Iran June 24, 2018. Protest Gatherings of People Against Unprecedented Rise of Dollars Rate

Protest Gatherings of People Against Unprecedented Rise of Dollars Rate

By Staff Writer

On Sunday, June 24, 2018, the people of Tehran protested against the unprecedented and disproportionate rise in the dollar’s rate.

Protesters in the bazaar at Charsotrahan and the Aladdin shopping center (Major Mobile Sales Center), as well as the Istanbul Crossroads and Ferdowsi streets, under the Saadi street, the intersection of the Republic, staged these demonstrations.

They were chanting: Leave Syria, think about us, No Fear, No fear, we are together, Strike, strike will be contiued every day, “Dollar (ten thousand tomans rate), we do not want do not want”.

The protesters also called for a total strike by chanting “strike strike width=”560″ height=”315″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

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