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Supporters of Iranian Resistance Rally in DC, Call on The West to Side with Iran Revolution

Rally DC
Rally DC

On March 11, following a major summit that featured leaders and prominent figures from both ends of the American political spectrum, a rally was held in front of the White House in Washington, DC, where Iranian Americans and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) came together to express their solidarity with the nationwide uprising of the Iranian people and their desire to overthrow the mullahs’ regime. The rally was a demonstration of the strong support for the Iranian people’s quest for democracy and freedom, which was the central theme of the bipartisan conference held earlier in the day. 

The rally was also an opportunity for Iranian Americans and supporters of the MEK and NCRI to voice their concerns about the Iranian regime’s brutal crackdown on dissidents and opposition groups. They urged the international community to hold the Iranian regime accountable for its human rights abuses and to support the Iranian people in their struggle for democracy and freedom. 

During the conference, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the missing link in western policy towards Tehran is the exclusion of the Iranian people and the Resistance from the equation in Iran. She highlighted that this has harmful effects not only on the people of Iran but also on the region and the world. 

The speakers at the conference and rally rejected the notion of the return of the ousted monarchy to Iran and highlighted the importance of democracy and freedom in Iran. Mike Pence, the 48th Vice President of the U.S. and former Governor of Indiana, stated that there is an alternative to the ruling theocracy, which is a well-organized, fully prepared, perfectly qualified, popularly supported resistance movement. 

General Wesley Clark, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe, NATO, expressed his support for the MEK, stating that they are a vital force for freedom and democracy not only in Iran but also as a living example worldwide. Governor Gary Locke rejected the concept of the return of the ousted Pahlavi dictatorship and highlighted that the revolution in Iran is about bringing democracy and freedom to Iran, not about returning to the dark and brutal days of the dictatorial monarchy of the Shah. 

Governor Sam Brownback, former governor of Kansas, joined his colleagues in supporting the Iranian people’s quest for democracy and freedom. He underlined that the revolution is already underway in Iran, with determined popular protests growing, and that the ayatollahs’ reign is coming to an end. 

Former U.S. Senator Robert Torricelli emphasized that the heavy price the MEK members and Iranians paid in their struggle for freedom is not in vain. No one can benefit from it without being a part of this four-decade-long struggle. He highlighted the importance of not exchanging a theocracy for another kleptocracy and moving forward toward democracy and freedom in Iran. 

In conclusion, the bipartisan conference and rally in Washington, DC, highlighted the importance of supporting the Iranian people’s quest for democracy and freedom. The speakers rejected the notion of the return of the ousted monarchy to Iran and emphasized the need for a popular, democratic, secular program for a peaceful and prosperous republic of Iran. The demonstrators marched through the streets of Washington, DC, and chanted slogans about Iran’s uprising to raise awareness about what is happening inside the country.