Student protests continue in Iran

Polytechnic entry gatewayNCRI – Students in Iran are continuing with protests at poor conditions and abuses of their rights at universities across the regime.

Female students at Mazandaran University have staged a protest at the poor condition of their dormitories, and accuse university officials of subjecting them to abuse and mistreatment.

Student’s at Tehran’s Polytechnic University have expressed anger at the construction of a new entry gateway, insisting the money should have been spent on the other dilapidated buildings in need of repair.

Some students even claimed that the shape of the gateway is built to hang student activists expelled who had been expelled from the university.

Students at Hormozgan University, in southern Iran, have protested at the unsuitable condition and excessive cost of their transportation system.

Students at Ilam Technical University gathered outside their university dormitory on January 20 to protested the expulsion of fellow students.

At the Medical Science University in Shiraz, students demanded the replacement of their dean, insisting that remaining in his post for two terms of eight years was against the rules of the Cultural Revolutionary Supreme Council.

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