Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsStudent protests as oppression mount across Iran

Student protests as oppression mount across Iran

Students across Iran are defying the regime with a series of protests against suppressive measures and lack of basic freedoms at universities across the country.

Despite claims of new president Hassan Rouhani’s ‘moderate’ stance, students have accused university security forces of imposing a ‘paramilitary’ and ‘Islamic’ atmosphere their daily lives.

Protests include students the Technical College of Tehran University objection to daily oppression by regime agents, and students at Sharif Industrial University protesting at blocking students who have been tagged with ‘stars’ from returning to university.

Students at Tehran Meli University have protested towards prohibition of student activities and foreign language students at Tehran University have protested against failed commitments to pay them their student loans.

Students at Orumieh Industrial University have protested against the university Dean’s suppressive measures, and a group of employed students studying oversees have said the university has cancelled their special foreign exchange rate.

Students at Zabol University have protested against the lack of proper transportation and recreational facilities. Students at Shahrekord Private University tore down pictures of Supreme Leaders Khomeini and Khamenei that were posted on the walls.

Students at al-Zahra University protested against being forced to wear the Chador in classes, while students at Qom Private University protested at the scheduling of their studies.

Students at Orumieh University protested against the university Dean and demanded his resignation, while science major students at Tehran Azad University protested towards the difference in their tuition fee compared to other students. At Bumehen Private University in Tehran, students objected to cancellation of extra study periods.

The Students’ demands now include: the annulment of the suppressive gender segregation plan, an political atmosphere, publication of student newspapers, establishing open debates, improving recreational facilities, establishing student associations student activities.