Shocking Admissions on the Iran Protests by the Regime’s Interior Minister

Shocking Admissions on the Iran Protests by the Regime’s Interior Minister

Hundreds of thousands of people took part in the

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) November 26, 2019


Iran is witnessing its greatest political upheaval since the 1979 revolution. Protests for regime change, with chants of ‘Death to the dictator” have erupted in at least 176 cities. Protesters have managed to take over or destroy hundreds of government centers, security outposts, and state-affiliated banks, gas stations and seminaries. The regime has resorted to brute repression, killing at least 450 protesters and arresting thousands more. It also shut down Iran’s internet completely for a week, blocking images of the protests from reaching the outside world. 

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) announced that the number of those killed during the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising has surpassed 450. The actual figure is higher. But the regime is desperately trying to conceal the true dimensions of its horrific crimes, using different tactics such as cutting off the Internet and refusing to hand over the bodies of those killed to their families or preventing funerals for them. 

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