Round Up of Iran Protests: Protests Continue Across the Country


Reports tallied by the Iranian opposition, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), indicate several protests in Iran in recent days. People from all walks of life have been holding rallies, protesting the regime’s malign activities and corruption which have devastated people’s lives. 

Workers at Tehran’s Pegah pasteurized milk held a rally in Tehranpars on Wednesday to protest the occupation of their lands by the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). 

Drivers of poultry trucks rallied in front of the Isfahan governor’s office on Wednesday to protest unemployment and the lack of poultry. 

On Wednesday, water and wastewater workers in Khuzestan gathered in front of the governor’s office, demanding their delayed wages and insurance. 

On Wednesday morning, May 27, 2021, official employees of Iran’s oil company held rallies in different oil centers in Tehran, Assaluyeh, Abadan, Ahvaz, Gachsaran, Mahshahr, Bandar Deylam, Khark, and Lavan Island, protesting their low salaries and harsh livelihood condition due to skyrocketing prices. 

The protests of the official employees of the oil company were held following a call to protests by Iran’s oil workers. 

Workers chanted, “Be afraid, we are united,” “[Bijan] Zangeneh shame on you, leave the ministry,” “the oil minister is a disgrace,” and “We will not relent until we get our rights.” 

Residents of Barangard Baghmalek village in Khuzestan province closed the Ahvaz-Izeh road (the main road to Isfahan province) on Tuesday, protesting the lack of drinking water. 

On Tuesday, several students from the Estahban Higher Education Center from different parts of the country gathered in the center of the city of Estahban to protest the center’s testing, the revocation of the civil engineering license, and the weak management system of the center. 

Farmers in the city of Ziar, east of Isfahan, rallied and marched on Tuesday to protest the transfer and looting of the Zayandeh Rud River. 

They clashed with repressive police agents who fired tear gas and plastic bullets at them. 

Health retirees in Tehran rallied in front of the Program and Budget Organization on Monday, protesting their poor living conditions. 

On Monday, the drivers of Mashhad Municipality went on strike in front of Mashhad Municipality, demanding their rights. 

Since Monday, workers and employees of Tehran Metro Line 5 have gone on strike to protest the regime’s failure to address their demands. 

Tehran’s municipality workers held a rally on Sunday, protesting the municipality’s one-sided contract with workers. 

Iranians are holding rallies while the regime prepares for its sham presidential election. The mullahs’ supreme leader Ali Khamenei has purged all candidates to select his favorite candidate, Ebrahim Raisi. 

Recently, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the regime’s former president, said: “The economic situation is catastrophic. The social situation is on the verge of collapse, and cultural conditions are indescribable in terms of disintegration. Today, if we face a low voter turnout, which certainly happens in the current situation, it will have far-reaching domestic and international consequences. We will fall and can no longer rise again.” 

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