Reuters Confirms NCRI’s Death of 1500 From Crackdown on Iran Protests

Reuters Confirms NCRI’s Death Tally of 1500 From Crackdown on Iran Protests
On Dec 15, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) confirmed that over 1,500 protesters have been killed during the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising in different provinces across the country.

In a special report on December 23, 2019, about the deadly crackdown on the Iran protests, Reuters confirmed the death toll of 1500 that was announced by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), otherwise known as the Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK), on December 15, 2019.

Reuters also pointed to the direct role of the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in suppressing the nationwide Iran protests.

“After days of protests across Iran last month, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appeared impatient. Gathering his top security and government officials together, he issued an order: Do whatever it takes to stop them,” the report said.

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