Thursday, July 18, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsRegime Change in Iran Is the Only Way Forward

Regime Change in Iran Is the Only Way Forward


NCRI Staff

NCRI – The discontent in Iran is increasing with every day that passes and many are saying that the protests in the country are even more significant than the ones that happened in 2009. Last Thursday, protests flared up all across the country and it has been reported that more than thirty people have lost their lives. Although the Iranian regime is trying to cover up the severity of the situation, it is clear from leaked videos and images that the people are extremely angry.

Alireza Jafarzadeh, the deputy director of the Washington office of the National Council of the Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has commented on the crisis, saying that the protests and demonstrations are partly based on the way the Iranian regime is treating the desperate economic situation of the people. He said that the cost of living there is rising and is affecting everyone. He also said that the government corruption is having serious consequences on the lives of the people.

Mr. Jafarzadeh explained that it was predominantly intellectuals and middle-class citizens that participated in the 2009 uprising. He said: “Now, the unrest is everywhere. You’re talking about the poor, the workers, the impoverished, those who really have nothing else to lose.”

Regarding corruption, Mr. Jafarzadeh highlighted that Iranian people were encouraged to invest in plans set up by the government in which they would be sure of a high return. However, this return never materialised and in fact the people lost their money. This is something that has angered the people of Iran, especially when they see that the country’s wealth is being plundered abroad, namely in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon.

The people have reached their limit and they realise that the situation cannot be remedied without regime change. Despite the initial scepticism about the “moderate” president, Hassan Rouhani, their worries have now been confirmed – Rouhani cannot bring the change that is needed to Iran.

The regime has claimed that it has moderate elements for many years, and international leaders, including former US President Barack Obama gave it the benefit of doubt. But now, it is clearer than ever that there is not one single iota of moderation.

After the events of 2009, the Iranian regime feared another uprising. It was very clear that the people of Iran could together pose a big threat to the Iranian regime and the threat is now greater than ever. The people of Iran have the unconditional support of the NCRI – the main opposition to the negligent regime – which is in turn supported by many political personalities across the world.

The main difference between the current protests and those of 2009 is the response by the US. Unlike former President Obama, President Trump has responded favourably to the Iranian people and he has promised his support, albeit when the time is right.

One can only hope that the US response will be appropriate. It is essential that regime change is driven by the people of Iran, otherwise there is the danger that a forceful reaction from abroad will make the already delicate situation even more volatile.