Protests continue in Iran with chants against the regime: WSJ

NCRI – For a second time in a week, tens of thousands of Iranian people took to the streets across the nation on Sunday calling for the end of the regime, the Wall Street Journal reported.

In response, the paper added, the regime “unleashed what witnesses said was an extraordinary number of security forces to violently battle the crowds. Witnesses said mobs of anti-riot police and plainclothes Basij militia lined the streets and on several occasions fired directly into the crowd and beat protesters with steel batons.”

In Tehran, protesters targeted regime buildings such as the state-run TV and radio, chanting “God is great” and “Death to the dictator,” witnesses reported, according to WSJ.

Protesters continued to focus on the mullahs’ supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, shouting, “It’s the season for revolts; it’s the end of Khamenei,” the paper said.

It also said the regime’s paramilitary Basij forces dressed in black shot and killed two young men in Tehran’s Vanak and Vali Asr squares, according to witness accounts posted on opposition websites.

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