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HomeIran News NowIran Protests & DemonstrationsProtesting attack on a female student by regime’s agents, fellow students held...

Protesting attack on a female student by regime’s agents, fellow students held gathering and went on strike

NCRI – “In protest to beating and dishonoring of a female student, the students at Mashad’s Ferdowsi University went on strike and chanted ‘Rape! Crime! Down with Harasat [infamous security agents and guards],’ or ‘A Student Chooses Death over Humiliation’.”, Daneshjou News reported on June 6.

In protest to attacking a female student late in the evening of June 5, the female students started their gathering and then the male students join them, Daneshjou News said.


Regime’s operatives did not allow the students’ representatives to visit the hospitalized student and were asking the representatives to pretend that the event was a simple case of robbery.

The students resisted the efforts by Basiji students [regime’s agents] to infiltrate their lines in order to change the direction of the protests and announced that they will continue their strike, Daneshjoo News said.