Protest Gathering of Retirees in Front of Iran Regime’s Planning & Budget Organization


NCRI Staff

NCRI – On November 1, several hundred of retirees gathered in front of the Iranian regime’s Planning and Budget Organization for the third consecutive day.

The retired teachers and educators set up a large table as a sign of their poverty and empty table in front of the budget and plan organization to show their protest while chanting slogans such as “Outcry, Outcry, against so much injustice” and singing “Ey Iran” anthem. They also readout some statements saying that they would continue their protests and plunk out their rights from the usurpers’ mouth.

The retirees were protesting their poor livelihood, including the low level of pensions and the inefficiency of the insurance system.

The retirees held placards and banners on which it was written: “Tyranny and oppression is enough, our table is empty”, and “Livelihoods, dignity, health, our absolute rights”, and “The poverty line is 4 million (Toman), our salary is 1 million” and also “All this injustice has never been seen by any nation”.

The protest of the retirees was carried out in a situation where the head of the Supreme Center of Retirees and Pensioners of Iranian regime’s Social Security Organization referring to the results of a study stated earlier that 48% of social security retirees did not have any insurance or benefits, 52% did not have enough income and salary, and 34% cannot use or benefit from the health care services as they are inadequate.

Ali Asghar Bayat told the state-run Mehr news agency on Monday that “The services that retirees receive from retirement funds are not equal and due to shortage of funds, the quality of service to these people is decreasing.”

Prior to the protest gathering of the retirees in front of the Plan and Budget Organization, other gatherings were also held, among them, hundreds of retired teachers and educators and retirees from other government bodies gathered in front of the parliament on 22 August 2017. The gathering was held upon a call by the Alliance (Union) of Retirees.

Despite the promises made by the regime authorities about the improvement of retirees’ situation and the increase in their pension, there has been no change in their welfare status, and protesters are skeptical of the realization of these promises.

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