Protest Gathering in Front of the Iran Regime’s Central Bank



NCRI – Hundreds of victims of the Caspian financials, gathered in front of the Central Bank of Iran in Tehran on the morning of Monday, May 29, and chanted in protest. Earlier, dozens of protesters on Sunday attacked a branch of Arman financial with stones in Khorramabad.

Published video of the rally in front of the Central Bank of Iran on social media networks show that a number of demonstrators were wearing shrouds.

A number of protesters chanted slogans such as “Down with Saif” and “Allah u Akbar”.

Valiollah Saif is head of the Central Bank of Iran.

Based on the pictures published on social networks, police and baton-wielding police tried to disperse the protesters.” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

Central News Agency has said demonstrators were from several provinces.

The terrorist Quds Force’s Tasnim News Agency reported that protesters blocked the Mir Damad Street in Tehran.

During the sham presidential election campaign of the regime, Ebrahim Raisi and Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, two rival candidates of Hassan Rouhani, had attacked the government’s performance in this regard.

Meanwhile, gatherings and protests against the Caspian financial have been held in other cities of Iran.

In Khorramabad, capital of Lorestan province, dozens of protesters clashed with riot police on Sunday. Riot police used water cannons to disperse protesters.” width=”660″ height=”370″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>

They also attacked with stones one of the branches of Arman financial.

Pictures published from this clash showed that the victims threw stones at the riot police.

In recent months, gatherings and protests in cities across Iran have been held against financial and credit institutions.

Most of these rallies were in protest of loss or failure to pay principal and interest deposits of the people that have been held by the institutions.

Previously, Farshad Heydari, deputy head of the Central Bank of the regime, claimed that the (Central) bank had controlled unauthorized credit institutions “continuously” and would deal with violators.

Abbas Kamarei, the Ombudsman of the Central Bank, on April 11 admitted in an interview with state television of the regime that the Caspian institution is comprised of eight credit cooperative institutions operating illegally.

The Caspian financial waqs created in March 2015 with amalgamation of eight cooperatives and by getting authorization from the Central Bank, took charge of accounts and liabilities of all its comprising cooperatives that were supposed to be dissolved.

This institution in fact was a fraud shop from Khamenei’s office and the IRGC that are behind 7000 similar institutions. They were able to get license from the Central Bank because they have power.
The Central Bank also handed many of these institutions to the banks, and evaded their financial obligations. But both those who had been evaded by the Central Bank and those who got license such as the Caspian, most of them had a fungal growth under Ahmadinejad, and with the backing of oil revenue and high inflation rate, benefited hugely. After the oil revenue got halved and oil embargo, however, they neglected their obligations to the people and declared bankruptcy one after another. They not only do not give any interest to their members, but do not give back the principal of the people’s deposits. Protesters write on their banners that “We trusted the Central Bank”.

The Central Bank of the regime claims though that it was able to control an important part of these institutions by organizing them.

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