Pictures of Khamenei burnt in Tehran

NCRI – On the 32nd anniversary of the Iranian revolution, youths in various parts of Tehran have took down and burnt the publicly displayed posters of the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei.

Khamenei’s pictures were burnt in Navab, Salsebil, Jomhouri, Dibaji Jonoubi, Gisha and Saltanat Abad streets.


The activist youths also distributed leaflets and wrote anti-regime graffiti in public places and squares urging people to take part in protests against the regime. Some of the slogans were, “This is the month of fury, death to Khamenei,” “People of Iran, bring down the dictator,” and “death to Khamenei, curse on Khomeini.”

According to reports, to prevent more picture burnings, the regime’s officials have taken down Khamenei’s posters from many locations in Tehran and other major cities.

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