Nikki Haley on Iran Uprising: ‘We Must Not Be Silent’


NCRI Staff

NCRI – Tuesday January 2, 2017.U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley praised Iranian protesters Tuesday, adding that the US is seeking an emergency Security Council meeting in New York and the Human Rights Council in Geneva regarding Iran. CNN reported.

“The people of Iran are crying out for freedom,” Haley said. “All freedom-loving people must stand with their cause.”

“This is the precise picture of a long oppressed people rising up against their dictators. The international community has a role to play on this. The freedoms that are enshrined in the United Nations charter are under attack in Iran,” she said. “If the Iranian dictatorships history is any guide, we can expect more outrageous abuses in the days to come. The UN must speak out.”

She continued: “We must not be silent. The people are crying out for freedom. All freedom loving people must stand with their cause. The international community made the mistake of failing to do that in 2009. We must not make that mistake again.”

Her remarks reflect a broader, concerted effort by the administration to encourage the large-scale demonstrations, which have swept the country since Thursday. Earlier Tuesday, Undersecretary of State Steve Goldstein said the United States wants to encourage protestors in Iran to “continue to fight for what’s right and to open up Iran.”

“Right now we’re going to have conversations with the Security Council and see what we need to do to have an emergency session,” Haley added about Iran. “One way or another, we will have a meeting on what is happening in Iran and their protests and their fight for freedom.”

The demonstrations in Iran, which have erupted against a backdrop of rising food and gasoline prices, began Thursday in the northeastern city of Mashhad before spreading to other cities. At least 30 people have been killed as a result of the protests.

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